Help! - Identifying the model and manufacturing date of MIJ Jazz bass


New member
Hi guys, basically the thing is I've got a jazz bass with the serial number RXXXXX.

JV+ 5 digits 1982-1984
SQ + 5 digits 1983-1984
E + 6 digits 1984-1987
A + 6 digits 1985-1986
B + 6 digits 1985-1986
C + 6 digits 1985-1986
F + 6 digits 1986-1987
G + 6 digits 1987-1988
H + 6 digits 1988-1989
I + 6 digits 1989-1990
J + 6 digits 1989-1990
K + 6 digits 1990-1991
L + 6 digits 1991-1992
M + 6 digits 1992-1993
N + 6 digits 1993-1994
O + 6 digits 1993-1994
P + 6 digits 1993-1994
Q + 6 digits 1993-1994
S + 6 digits 1994-1995
T + 6 digits 1994-1995
U + 6 digits 1995-1996
N + 5 digits 1995-1996
V + 6 digits 1996-1997
Crafted in Japan A + 6 digits 1997-1998
Crafted in Japan O + 5 digits 1997-2000
Crafted in Japan P + 5 digits 1999-2002
Crafted in Japan Q + 5 digits 2002-2004
Crafted in Japan R + 5 digits 2004-2005

According to the above table from the Fender Website, a bass with the serial number starting with R is a "Crafted in Japan", whereas for my bass it says "MADE IN JAPAN" on the headstock. This is the source of my confusion as now I'm not sure if my bass was produced from 2004-2005 or not.

Can anyone help out? And I also want to know if its possible to determine the model of the jazz bass by using the serial number? Thanks in advance, and pardon my ignorance if this is just common knowledge :/
i can't remember what Fender Japan has on their headstocks. all i know is that CIJ basses should have "Crafted in Japan" in small lettering at the bass of the neck. if it's there, it should be a legit 2004-05 CIJ Fender. (i think.)

maybe some Fender owners can shed more light on this.

and btw, pictures would help too. blur out the serial number or something.

edit: dug up something that might help you.

One of the most frequently asked question I noticed in guitar/bass forums is "HOW TO DISTINGUISH a MADE IN JAPAN and Crafted in Japan?"

The best way is to look at the serial numbers (see my other post) and at the same time "Crafted in Japan or MADE IN JAPAN can be seen stamped at the back of the neck near the pocket.

However, a MADE IN JAPAN stamp could also appear in guitars/basses which are actually Crafted in Japan. How did it happen?

1. The MIJ/CIJ rule only applies on re-issues. All re-issues '51, '57, '62, '65, '70 can only have either MIJ or CIJ stamp. But there are exemptions like the CIJ Jazz '75 RI. It has MADE IN JAPAN stamp at the headstock and Crafted in Japan stamp at the back of the neck. Some special models like the Marcus Miller also uses MADE IN JAPAN even if it was made during the CIJ years.

2. ALL STANDARD models (STD) use MADE IN JAPAN on the headstock even if it is made during the CIJ years. Standard models are not re-issues.

The photo on top shows a Precision standard (STD) which is a CIJ but uses MADE IN JAPAN on the headstock.
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if im not wrong all fender japan guitars are 'made in japan' now?

i think its a good move because it removes all the conspiracy theories and old wives' tales regarding the choice of words. while there are differences, they are mostly trivial and irrelevant.

anyway i think everything has been stated in the link.

maybe it should be STICKIED :twisted: