HELP!!!help with jam room arrangement.


New member

I'm suck at sound engineering stuffs so i thought i turn to ppl with more experience for advise.

I have this room a year ago and decided to use it as my band jammin advise on my setup or wear i should arrange my stuffs.

heres the current setup.

do help.

if i were to stand at my effects infront of guitar amp.would the sound be muff up?

the drums are without drum shield.

that grey box is a one seater sofa.

two pa speakers.

my room are acoustic padded but not soundproof.

my ceiling is a woodenboard so when my bassits cranks his bass amp,the ceiling ligt rim rattles and some times the board.

If u need anymore info.I'll be more then happy to provide you with the info.
well at least you got it on the right spot to put PA speaker next to the drummer , he's probably the most deaf guy in the room and wouldn't be able to hear your singing standing that far away.

bass rattling hollow ceiling/wall is common. just watch out for the neighbours.

as for muffing up your guitars if you stand right in front, the best people to ask is your band members. but honestly i dont' think they give a damn cos they're busy concentrating on their own sound/the song most likely.

your jam room looks fine to me, maybe you should ask see if anyone' in your band got any complaints for a free jam.

10¢ worth
Try to tilt back the amps towards your ears.
Turn the vocal mike away from any amps and away from the drums to reduce sound leakage into the mic.
Remember the 3:1 rule for mic placement.
Try putting carpet below the bass amp to reduce vibrations.
Do u guys know how i could like make the drum sound softer.Drum shields are seriously too costly.

I can't fit pillow in my bass drum because my bass drum skin front has no hole.
come on, you can open up the front of the drum and put the pillow in! just make sure that you know how to tune back to the required tone after fixing the front cover back.

else, just clip a thick cloth onto the rim of the drum, making sure that the cloth touches the drum skin. it will reduce the volume much that you can imagine.
oh..would it work if i put on on the toms of the drums..i mean the clipping part..except for the snare of course.

u mean roll it and put it around..or a whole layer and on to the it?

any ideas for the cymbals?to soften it
what i used to do is, like suggested, take out the resonant skin. stuff pillows in. press it against the batter skin. then untune the batter skin until it's all lose and saggy. then hitting the kickdrum sounds like "piak" or "plat". it's alot less boomier for practise. sound of course will drop but neighbours will complain lesser. if you need to "soundproof" your drums more. take toilet paper , fold it until it looks like the girl's kotex. scotch tape it to the batter skin of your kick drum or even at the spot where your kickpedal beater hits.

as for hihat, I used to stuff alot of toiletpaper inbetween the cymbals and taping "kotex" all over the place. or buy those muting pads loh...

and do check out at yamaha music plaza. they sell drumsticks that look like satay sticks bind together. i believe they're called cool rods or hot rods or somethin. but mind you, they break easily. so if you're playing hardcore stuff don't waste your money then.

10¢ worth.
actually put on a lot of tape on the drum skin will demage it. clipping a heavy towel, of course not too big piece, onto the rim is just as good. the towel will act as the drum mute, and at the same time ensure that you can have good price when letting your drum off.
like what tgcpsgoh said, he's right too. in my case I had a new/better set of skin for recording, and a crappy one for rehearsal use. so yeah. mix and match la do what helps
those are rute sticks if i'm not wrong ..

actually the setup looks okay .. maybe you wanna swap your one seater sofa with your bass amp and jam your bass amp into one corner .. i believe the bass frequencies will resonant better and the bass player won't have to crank his volume that loud ...

works for me when i couple my amp against a wall or cabinet .. =)
Well,i finally arranged it and this is the final arrangement in real pic.



I tried taking the advice of tgcpsgoh.I hope i did it right.
Wow! Your jam room is pretty big! How I wish I had that much space to play with. Here's my unprofessional jam room/recording studio:


That row of amps includes 1 bass amp, 2 guitar amps and the PA system mixer. I've never tried it out with a full 6pc band before (drums, bass, guitar, guitar, keyboards, vocals) but I doubt there will even be space for 6 people in the room at the first place. :?
hahah. denosha, I had a recording bedroom about the size as yours. maybe abit more smaller. i had a foldable bed placed infront of the kickdrum, sorta like the space you have infront of your drumset.

so nice. do you have a website with mp3s of your recordings??
Nice another wharfedale owner.

Well mine isn't a recordin studio so that explains the large space i have.I'm hoping make it into a more professional stuio with wooden boards and a large mxer with pro tools outside..haha
so nice. do you have a website with mp3s of your recordings??

Nope. Nothing my brother and I would really like to share with the world yet. :p

Nice another wharfedale owner.

Bought yours at the City Music year end sale as well? It was a damn good deal.