Help For home recording


New member
hi guys, need some advice regarding home recordings that i intend to embark on. I would like to record mainly guitar and keyboard and two vocals. But i am not sure exactly what are the tools that is need or what i have is it sufficient to have a good recording. Currently what i have or thinking of getting

1.i have a Fujitsu P7230 laptop ( i dont kw if this is gd enough or i need to upgrade)
Processor: Intel Core Solo U1400 (Ultra Low Voltage 1.20GHz)
Memory: 1.0GB RAM (1-DIMM slot, 2GB Max)
Hard Drive: 60GB 4200RPM

2.i have both electric and acoustic guitars, i am thinking of getting the boss gt-10 pedal as well coz its good and has usb connectivity, any advice on this aso?

3. Thinking of getting a yamaha dgx 230. not sure if this is good enough or approriate so do give advice aso

4. Was thinking of getting a bass guitar as well to play bass and then will use drum loops for drums, not sure where to get drum loops though.

I do not have any mics or and recording interface for recording yet, so would like advice from you guys as to which is most approriate.
I will be do recording mainly with two person, one play guitar and the other keyboard and we want to record 2 vocals as well, then we will add in drum loops and bass after that, hope to record it live together, look forward to all advices from u guys, looking for a decent good quality sound, my budget wise is ard 1.3k to 1.7k the most, hoping to keep the budget low though, thanks to all in advance

Take a look at the above thread.

1. I think your computer might be a little under if you want to do multi track recording. But to do 2 to 4 tracks, should not be a problem.

2. If you are getting an audio interface for recording, you don't have to use the USB on GT-10 anymore.

3. You have to like the sounds from yamaha dgx 230. But for the price, the other you can consider is Casio.


Audio Interface = $800 ( )
2 x Shure SM58 = $350 ( )
the audio interface seems really quite expensive, is there a cheaper alternative to this audio interface coz its seems like abit of overkill as i wont be recording so many things, any other cheaper interface that i can use to record as well?
Here's a cheaper audio interface.

Because you want to record 2 stereo signals and 2 mono signals simultaneously, you need at least 6 inputs. 8 inputs is actually just good enough for your purposes.

I'm not sure who distributes Tascam here though.

I would suggest you go post a WTB thread in the Buy/Sell forum. Someone may just be trying to offload an audio interface.
thanks to all for reply

thanks guys for all your replies, i have some questions in mind, that is is a firebox sufficient for my needs if i were to just record a vocal guitar and keyboard, just 3 inputs, i heard good reviews on firebox as well as not so good review saying that the preamps are the not so good, meaning if i connect straight in it wont sound gd? so can i ask if i connect via my boss pedal would i still be using the preamp on the firebox? Can i aso ask u guys if i am able to connect softsythn to the dgx to get better piano sound, is it possible?
hi redhat, thanks for posting your question. I try to discourage ppl PMing me all the time because this is a forum and i'm no personal private consultant so we should share all problems'n'solutions with the rest trying to do the same thing as you do. hope you understand my point for posting your PM here :

hi, i made a post on the how to sound section already, have a couple of question,is the firebox sufficient if all i want to record is one vocal guitar and keyboard these 3 to record live together? i heard that firebox preamp is not very gd? i am not really sure which audio interface and mic is my best bang for the buck, currently what i have in mind is the firebox presonus if it is sufficient as well a shure57 mike. After i finish recording the guitar keyboard and vocal, i can then add in drums loops as well as add in bass myself right?


To analyse on your plan-buy :
Record/playback 6 inputs/10 outputs at 24-bit/96K

according to my FAQ at

to answer your question :
1) 3 record live together yes. there's total of 2 mic/instr input + 2 line in put + SPIF (which ppl seldom use) + MIDI , a whole new ball game, if you're getting the yamaha i think it has a midi USB thing going on,although I'm reading bad reviews about yamaha. I'm more of a Korg guy.

2) CGAEFD is what most singaporean wants in a sentence. cheap,good,alot,extra,free,discount. but stuff like that surely would come with setbacks. after all there're audio interfaces that cost from $300 - $6000. but if you ask me I'm using a presonus firepod (8 inputs) so I don't have a problem with the preamp don't think you should too. but this is only recording, recording don't sound good if you don't play well, mixing won't sound good if you don't know how to record properly, and final master won't sound good if you don't know how to mix.

3) for your situation , presonus firebox would be your best bang. but I'm quite concerned with your laptop speed. if it doesn't work you'll need to upgrade/get a cheap desktop purely for recording. because according to firebox specs, the one you don't meet is the rpm of your hdd. shure 57 will be great ,but after that you'll be complaining your vocals not clear enough and you'll want a CONDENSOR mic for vocals.
4) 4 inputs in general.
3+4(stereo)-keyboards OR 3-keyboards mono
4-Bass>bass amp preamp lineout > input.

if not just layer bass seperately direct plugin into the 1st 2 inputs.
and yes you can compose/add in drumloops as long as you record in tempo.

your best bet now ? one of the softie is selling exactly what you need

and good news your budget is definitely within range.

blueprintstudio, thanks alot for your reply, so that means i would need to upgrade the ram of my laptop would it be enough? wat are the specs of a com that i need to lookout for so that it be gd to function as a recording com. therefore it is actually better for me to get a condenser mic straight away for vocal recordings instead of shure57? :p
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before you upgrade, you go get the firebox first, test see if it can tahan. if cannot then come and upgrade/get new one.

my current laptop is only 1.66ghz core2duo 1gb ram 80gb hdd. 5400rpm. the rpm is the crappy part i guess.

now majority of the desktop specs can meet the recording purpose, just remember to read the DIY Recording FAQ. no porn/no games/etc. best no internet (seperated) virus.

The thing with Shure 57 is it's a good drum/guitar cab mic and good for rock vocals at times. So if you use the 57 to record your guitar amp, you can use it again for vocals unless you're particular about the "clear-ness" VS a condenser mic.
AT2020 is a good budget condenser mic, I would grab it if only I got the spare cash haha.
okie, i will got get the firebox soon, just want to confirm the last thing that is my guitar and keyboard can plug in directly to the firebox and record it right, i dont need to mic my guitar amp to record it right? will the sound be alright? the same for my keyboard aso right it be directly recorded straight into the presonus as well? :p
okie, i will got get the firebox soon, just want to confirm the last thing that is my guitar and keyboard can plug in directly to the firebox and record it right, i dont need to mic my guitar amp to record it right? will the sound be alright? the same for my keyboard aso right it be directly recorded straight into the presonus as well? :p btw if i am going to get a cheap desktop mainly for recording i just need to look our for the processor speed and ram right? the rest of the stuffs are not necessary right if i use it solely just for recording, how much would this desktop cost approx? anyone any idea?
keyboard di = ok

guitar di = you'll need a "cabinet simulator". do you have any pedals like sansamp gt2 in between your guitar and the presonus firebox?

desktop = ram at least 2gb. at least any core2duo intel will do. desktop cost easily $800+ only now for a pretty powerful one compared to laptop
is it okie for me if i connect my guitar to the boss gt-10 pedal and then from the pedal to the firebox to record?