HELP! Choice of Pickups


New member
Hello softies!

I'm planning to upgrade/zhing the pickups that are on cheapo pacifica strat. Other than knowing that my pickups are sounding really crappy, I know nuts about pickup. :confused:

Specs of my strat: Solid Alder Body, Maple Neck, SSH set-up

I'm looking for thick chunky sounds for my bridge, something similar to Gibson SG bridge running through a MI audio crunchbox.

My neck pickups are buzzing, so I guess it's time to get it fix too. I have no particular preference when it comes to the neck pickup I guess. Smooooth sounding when on clean channel would be ideal.

Oh yeah, the knobs are getting really stiff, what should I do to get rid of that?

Any recommendation softies?

Thank you! :p
hmmm we can recommend u quite a number of pickups but unless u get a better output for those pickups, u gonna sound pretty much the same, unless of course u get those over the top pickups like x2n or the like. so i shall give my 2 cents now:
neck (since u dun like the buzz/hum, i'm thinking silent pickups)
- SD classic stack / lil 59
-dimarzio yjm / hs2 / area series
bridge (i'm pretty clueless when it comes to humbuckers cos i dun use them often, so here's my 0.02)
- gibson dirty fingers
- SD JB / alnico ii
- dimarzio tone zone / paf pro
Hello bf0502tr! pardon my ignorance. What do you mean by outputs? Something to do with the pots and all? hmmmm
Kaye, take your time and study about pickups. Don't go hasty into this because it can cost a lot of $.

Your guitar (assuming its the same one wayyy back) is pretty decent actually but it is still a lower cost model. Therefore, don't spend too much... yet.

So maybe - just get a nice bridge humbucker for now. I've heard a lot of good things about the Seymour Duncan JB in alder body guitars. If you want to look for Dimarzio humbuckers - you can email them... they have an email on their website and they do answer emails.

As for pots, go to TY Music and get them to swap them out. Easy job.
Hello Daniel!

OH! hahaha you still rmb. Yes! It's that same old guitar. :D It's been forever since I mentioned about changing pickups.

Alright! Will do :) Thank you!
Hello subversion!

Hmm I don't really have any preference as long as they are within my budget. :) Hopefully within $120 for each pickup.

Which stacked pickup would you recommend?
when i stated outputs i actually meant ur amp. most pickups sound pretty similar when running through a digital modeler into a com.
Hello bf0502tr!

Ohhh! Okay now I get it. I have tried it on numerous amps, still doesn't like the sound of the humbuckers on my strat. Eversince I tried a Gibson SG, my preference has changed. Well, I can't afford a SG now. So I guess the one way is to get my humbuckers changed.
i'm a Duncan fan through & through so the Classic Stack would be my recommendations. but DiMarzio's Area 61 sounds inviting as well.
Hello bf0502tr!

Ohhh! Okay now I get it. I have tried it on numerous amps, still doesn't like the sound of the humbuckers on my strat. Eversince I tried a Gibson SG, my preference has changed. Well, I can't afford a SG now. So I guess the one way is to get my humbuckers changed.

ah ic...well i guess then the jb from SD is the safest way to go...sounds good on almost any guitar / amp combi. and for neck singel coils, the i got the dimarzio area 58 in my neck and virtual vintage blues in the mid. the neck sounds smooth, and erm...its low output so the tone produced is more natural...I LIKE!! :D

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