HELP!Cannot play barre chords


New member
Can anyone help in how I can play the barre chords.Have been trying for months,but still the sound is not right at all.All the time,some of the strings do not ring at all(that means no sound).Also hope to learn how to strum properly and learn more techniques.I really hope to learn the guitar well as need to be go and play on stage next year.
Thankz softies!:-D

God Bless!
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oh man i feel your pain.
in fact i did barre chords today too all thanks to my evil teacher.

well it sounds cliche (and it is) but practice does help.
and to add on to that, try lowering the action of your guitar, it'll be easier on your fingers (:
if cannot then play power chord ah =p hahaha kidding

yea just keep practising make sure each string rings properly =D
1) Put a capo on, and practise about two or three frets above where the capo is (try the capo at the 4th fret).

The capo will make the strings sit at the 'fretted' height, rather than at the height determined by the nut.

2) Make sure your finger is straight when barring, and doesn't arch underneath the finger joints. This is common.

3) Make sure your barre is as close to the upper fretwire as is possible. Barring in the middle of the fret means you have to push harder.

4) Try to apply just as much pressure with your thumb as you do with your finger. Imagine the guitar is just a hunk of wood getting in the way between your thumb pushing against your finger. Many people push too hard with their finger, and apply no pressure with the thumb.

5) (this one will hurt!) The weakest points of your finger are under the finger joints, as this is where the fingers naturally raise - it can usually be heard when someone is barring by buzzes on the 4th and 3rd string. Feel for the bone on the underside of your finger at these joints - line the bone exactly up with a wound string (e.g. the 4th), then push it in with your other hand ;) This will sting a little to begin with, but what it does is teaches your finger to adapt to being completely flat.

Some people call this last one torture :) haha
Can anyone help in how I can play the barre chords.Have been trying for months,but still the sound is not right at all.All the time,some of the strings do not ring at all(that means no sound).Also hope to learn how to strum properly and learn more techniques.I really hope to learn the guitar well as need to be go and play on stage next year.
Thankz softies!:-D

God Bless!

Might not be the proper way, but i hope this helps. It took me months before i was able to get it right. What i did was, i started playing power chords.. everyone was using it that time, nirvana.. green day.. then slowly i start to pick up barre chords each note at a time.. and lastly.. more importantly.. practice. you cant run away from this. I started playing songs that requires barre chords...

I hope you get what i mean.. cause im starting to loose track what im saying.. hehe. cheers.
1. stop whining & start practising
2. are you playing an acoustic guitar?
3. probably a cheapo acoustic guitar (brand like 'kapok' for instance)
4. play through the pain, no pain no gain
5. if you still cant hack the barre chords then perhaps you should change interest to knitting, playing the tambourine (can cause injury to your fragile wrists).... train to be a make up artist....