

New member
Im a realllll awkward person.
But I hope I can open up to more people here as time goes by.

I can play quite a few instruments, but I don't specialise in one. ( I love all of them )
I used to play some drums and chinese orchestra stuffs,
currently concentrating on violin and vocals,
I can play some guitar but I'm not that good at it. In fact I'm not that good in all the things that I say that I can play huehuehue....

-I just love doing music- (I didn't say I was good at it!!)

My influences are mainly from mando-pop, classical, J-rock, and SGmusic.
I listen to things like Sodagreen, Mayday, Yoga Lin, Rachmaninoff, Mozart, Elgar..(the list goes on for classical), The Oral Cigarettes, Flumpool, L'arc en Ciel, BUMP OF CHICKEN, Radwimps, Gentle Bones, Caracal, The Sam Willows, and Charlie Lim. Erm yes... pretty much here and there. ( I love all of them too...sigh.. )

I'm currently looking for a band too if possible. But I know I'm not good enough for it yet so yeah...
People tell me to form a one man band since I could play most of the instruments. But I sincerely think that music would be more fun when played together.

I've performed for some events before as a guitarist, pianist, and some chinese orchestra stuffs. Honestly speaking, I still have stage fright heh...
Right now I'm aiming to improve my vocals and perform for some events or sing in a band.

I also have some composition skills(and passion) learnt from school, but they're currently all instrumentals. I can't write lyrics that well sadly....

I decided to join Soft to know more like-minded people who are passionate about music.

Check out my Soundcloud profile, let your ears bleed:



Currently I only have vocal covers(pretty cui using my mac mic.... heh... )
And if you're wondering if I'm a girl or guy after listening to those covers..... I am a girl, but I can go as low as G2 on the keyboard.
My chinese isn't that great too, I'm mainly reading off pinyin lyrics :p

Nice to meet you guys,
hope to learn some new things on Soft!!
WOW! Your voice is extremely unique for a girl! Hope to see you performing live one day with a proper band.

Welcome to the forums!