Heavy Sounds


New member
Hi talented,experienced n tone pro dudes,

I hav a question to ask..

Im using an Rg 7321,
If i wanna have a heavy distortion sound,
Wad pedal n pick ups do all of ya recommend and wads the price?
Im usin my Toneworks AX1500G n its so dun have that heavy sound.
need help...
Need suggestions urgently...

Thnks all n good day! :)
Any budget?

Off the bat I'd say Metal Muff, Uber Metal (if you're not so picky about digital/analog efx). I've heard lots of rave about the MI Audio Crunchbox also.

Ps. I'm not talented, experienced or tone pro :oops:
errmm....budget wise not much...
Will be lookin fer a 2nd hand pedal...

So yea...
Hope i can find one n btw,tnxs Lifeless...
There's gotta be more to life :wink:
i have to agree with lifele55 that the uber mteal is a good pedal.it very versertile distortion pedal imo.great for heavy/thrash/nu metal sounds. i would also recommend
the digitech grunge and maybe the landmine distortion.

And im also NOT a talented,experienced n tone pro dude. im just trying to help out. :D
Wad pedal n pick ups do all of ya recommend and wads the price

Most of them has said Uber Metal. I kinda agree with them. Boss MT2 also does the job (unless u are not fussy about the fizzyness of the stock)

As for pickups, IF YOU REALLY WANA CHANGE, get a high output pickups. If not keep it stock.
i have a different take on this: if you acquire an amp with good distortion, you need not worry too much about pickups/ pedals.

you'd be surprised with what the Sound Drive SG-612R can offer for 7/ 8string guitars 8)
thnx loads to all...

im gonna to all suggestion n c wad i can come up with coz i guess my AX1500G really sucks now...damn...
i have a different take on this: if you acquire an amp with good distortion, you need not worry too much about pickups/ pedals.

you'd be surprised with what the Sound Drive SG-612R can offer for 7/ 8string guitars

Metal muff, the Line 6 Uber Metal sounds exactly like the built in distortion in the line 6 spider III range of amps, the Boss Metal Zone, i find i don't get as much kick out of it. But then again, you might prefer it, because after all, tone is a very subjective topic.
I guess in terms of weight is not as heavy as the Uber Metal :lol: ... But thats as heavy as the Little Muff can get.
Not in sound, its more of a fuzz type of pedal instead of a heavy gain pedal.
if you wana go really crazy, the digitech grunge is for you. mr pedal-itik has one for sale. perhaps even the landmine

as for the crunchbox, it gets abit muddy at high gain levels.
not sure for you but..i find boosting your distortion from whatever source the amps gain or from your effect's distortion with an overdrive pedal the best way to get that heavy tone.
Getting that heavy sound...


Getting a heavy distortion extends far more than getting the appropriate pickups or pedal. It is a combination of all the gears you use and how you use them which really draws out the difference between you and the others.

To understand the principals which all rock guitarists out there utilises to get that monstrous sounding tone, go to http://guitareffectssecrets.andy-ng.com/14/rock-guitar-sound/ now!
i've been to the link above, got this bit from it:

Most of the effect pedals out there in the market are more apt to be labeled as Overdrive or Fuzz pedal, but got labeled as Distortion in the process.

the implication here seems that there is no such thing as distortion. distortion, according to the info above, is actually mislabelled overdrive/ fuzz. is that so?