HAD an interesting conversation with Jacky Cheung this afternoon and we learned some interesting things about the man.
Yes, as you all know, one of the coolest voices of Hong Kong pop is coming down to perform for F1 Rocks.
And while he said that he was excited about coming down to do the show, and doing a double bill with Taiwanese superstar A*mei, in which he thinks he’ll be doing “two or three songs”, Cheung said that he was pretty impartial to the actual race itself.
“To be honest, I don’t really watch it,” he said at the teleconference, adding that his wife was probably a better driver than he was.
The teleconference itself was marred somewhat by someone breathing rather heavily down the speaker whenever Jacky was answering the questions raised by the journalists. When the moderator asked who it was, the heavy breathing stopped, only to begin again when the Heavenly King started speaking once.
Was it some rabid Jacky Cheung fan getting it off listening to him speak? We don’t know for sure. Actually, we’re not sure if we do want to know.
Then again, this is the month of the Hungry Ghosts, right? Anybody remember the show, The Ring?