Heaviest moments in Heavy Metal


New member
Heaviest moments in Rock/Metal

I started a series of semi-serious entries in my blog documenting what I consider to be some of the heaviest moments (note 'moments' - not songs) in heavy metal with transcriptions of my own of those particular parts showing how to play them.

Two so far:

Heaviest Moments in Heavy Metal #1327 « Gitbuddy’s Guitar Blog

Heaviest moments in Heavy Metal #2314 - Sepultura - Mass Hypnosis « Gitbuddy’s Guitar Blog

comments welcome and suggestions also for the heaviest moments of your own choosing.
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You read my mind - that is heavy *and* evil.

Other Slayer heaviest moments include:
Postmortem - Opening riff
Angel of Death - that famous interlude riff
South Of Heaven - opening when doubled octave lower riff comes in
Criminally Insane - "I have only just begun to take a F** liiiiiiffee!!"

I love South of Heaven.

But then. The ending ruined the whole of Raining Blood. The ending is just so. Gay.

Today's a blonde day. Forgive me.
But then. The ending ruined the whole of Raining Blood. The ending is just so. Gay.
the bit where there's lots of squealy noises, blast beat drumming, random distortion and so on and then suddenly, that all stops, there's a thunderclap and then it starts raining?

Yeah.. it is a bit abrupt...
oh, useful if you guys can help try to tab out some of those heavy moments (which was the intention of this thread at the start, being in the 'how to' forum.. :))
Slipknot is metal-influenced hard rock. Its not heavy metal.

Heaviest moment in heavy metal for me would be Obituary on the song 'Insane' and 'Eyes of wrath' by Testament.

IMO Judas Priest's Breaking the Law and 'Heavy' don't go together... Nice and melodic though. But certainly not heavy.
'Smasher ...Obituary on my list - the track 'Dying' from Cause of Death has one of the heaviest moments of all time. Oh yeah.

P.S. any and all welcome here - no anti-Slipknotism (or any band) so long as they are vaguely metal. After all, my first example is Whitesnake - hair metal if there ever was... it's still heavy.
Then possibly rename the thread to 'heaviest moments in hard rock/metal'? Then I could put in Drowning Pool's Step Up intro riff. The damn riff is damn heavy.
i think bloodline by slayer or disciple wins the heaviest moment contest.. or maybe amon amarth in pursuit of vikings..
Yes yes! That part! It kills my sanity. It just seems like some Korean Drama series where they request you to brace yourself for a break-up.

Slipknot. Is. Nu-Metal.