Have some questions no guitar.


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Is memorizing the fretboard is only way out from the start to become a master?

Or "Formular + Memorize" is a better way out? But whats the formular.

What the link between each string E A D G B E.

Guys may sound lame and stpd to u but I'd just want to know. Guitar is my passion i wan to know inside out. everything bout it. You can even say its stpd!

I'd just want to know if there really such formular in mastering the fretboard most comments told me Memorize is the only way but i think i remember got this guy told me bout the formular and u can find the same note at the next string damn fast.
yah... but i feel that if we can find "that" formular den can aid to memorising... will find the note in a much faster way... I always know every note on the string but the prob is tke some time lyk afew sec to find out... imagine gt "tt" formular den can estimate where is it and jus go afret forward or backward.... sorry if i sound dumb =)
not dumb at all man.
i get that problem too.

i'm not sure about formula lah.
but i borrowed some guitar technique book
from esplanade library once that split the
fretboard into every 5 frets or so or something
along those lines to find notes faster...

didn't help me much though.
but then again i'm not extremely disciplined
when it comes to memorizing. and i have no
knowledge of theory what so ever...
play by ear. music is chaos. dont apply systematic efforts on it.
I play by ear. and when u play long enough u will naturally know which fret which string to press to harmonize with your band or music.

When i mean play long enough, i mean exposing yourself to songs , practicing and learning them, and actually realizing what you are playing. its very straightforward. memorizing aint the way dude

I partally agree with Xynkro, however it is more practical to analyse music through your own interpretations,and only if you're wayyy too confused then go ahead and read up some books, buy some instructional videos etc inorder to imprve your playing ability.

Remember why is it that some individuals who back in the day have no musical training whatsoever but relying on nothing other than their own two ears and mind to make sense of what other players were doing.

You have the passion man, the key is to stop looking for short cuts and corners to cut.
perhaps its good to figure out the song with music background like knowing how a chord works etc. perhaps playing by ear to experiment the different inversions of chords to get the 'sound you want' or the actual sound on the recording etc.

However, for the actual playing like on stage or something like that, perhaps its good to memorise the skeleton of the song, and then roughly remember the cool stuff to add like susing a note or when to make it sound open, mute etc. Really is all about putting in the effort to better yourself.

The saying goes. A musician's failure is when he reaches a plateu. So yah.
Hmm formulae? wa sounds abit mathematical. honestly i dont take guitar lessons myself. So i cant really read guitar notation, however i feel that practice makes perfect and u can do wat xyhro suggests and try to play by ear, if u feel
uncomfortable or awkward following some guitar instructionals, you may not always have to foollow it. Try and figure out ur own style of playing, i myself do not memorize the fretboard but pratising makes me noe how the each fret sounds so practice makes perfect , you might even want to try tabbing out a song by ear.
Theres a formula. but you must know a keyboard. lets take the A string for example, there a sharps where there are black keys on a keyboard, like theres an A# on 1st fret, but there is no sharp between B and C. of course this only helps you to know the note IF you forget, you still must memorize, unless if you're also a pianist and have memorized the keyboard.