Hartke Bass Attack


New member
i'm looking for one since my plans for a new bass got screwed up by the recession. does anyone know where to find one? or any shop that sells? also, at what price?

and if anyone is willing to let this pedal go, please pm me. :)
City Music has it coz they bring in Hartke stuff.

And you can search the buy/sell boards to find out if anyone is selling thiers
nope, doesn't look like there are any on sale.

how much does it retail for at City Music?
it's retailing for $124 now, and with my hard earned savings, i now have my first and only pedal. hah.
grats on getting ur first pedal :P i have the hartke bass attack too and its a good pedal.. and jbarks is right, once u get ur first pedal, you'll start reading up on other pedals then u will want to buy more and more and more!
haha cannot lah, i don't even have money to start with. i don't really feel the need for more effects anyway. not yet, at least.
famous last words eh...before you know it you are going to have huge pedalboard with like 20 pedals on it. :)

welcome to the world of effects. once you get in there's no turning back..ha ha...
haha yeah.. gas will strike you.. when i got my hartke bass attack, i also thought i just needed that pedal.. now i want a delay and a korg pitchblack.. must save like hell.. school starting for me tmr... must skip lunch in order to save money alr lol
haha, i think the only things left that i need will be a compressor and a fuzz. any extra money will go into zhng-ing my bass.:p
yeah i agree, famous last words.

you "don't need it", until you need it.

because strictly speaking, all you really need is a bass and an amp :)
save save (: pedals are worth saving for. i made the mistake of rushing into my boss bass equalizer pedal, it's really good la but i would like to switch to a hartke. lucky for me, its almost brand new, wont make too much of a loss. if you're into heavier music, maybe you'd like a muff (muse bassist uses that so you have an idea of what it sounds like) or an overdrive from boss or smth. If you're more into tone, save up for a d.i. box if you plan to gig live regularly (: oh and i love the korg dt10 tuner, you can check that out too.

just my humble opinions!
lol, i still don't get what does the bass attack does exactly lah.

i guess the only way to find out is to buy it and try it out.
LOL, but yeah.
lol, i still don't get what does the bass attack does exactly lah.

i guess the only way to find out is to buy it and try it out.
LOL, but yeah.

it's a tone shaper tool. you can use it to change and adjust the sound that comes out.

you hav ethe standard EQ for adjustment. - bass, treble, brite.

you also have "harmonics" knob to add some complexity into the sound.

you have the "shape" knob to do notch filter for a different way of EQ control

all these are to use to tweak until you get a sound you like from your bass.

it's an outboard or pedal preamp, which is basically the preamp you find on active basses, except in a pedal. the one you find in your bass is called an onboard preamp.

and what a preamp does is give you the tone shaping options you would normally find on an amp. note that a combo amp consists of a preamp, a power amp, and a speaker. preamp shapes the tone, power amp blasts it to XXX watts, and the speaker is self explanatory. each of these things contribute to the tone. when you use different amps, you will get different kinds of tone. at least if you use your own preamp, the variance won't be that much from amp to amp. plus, you would be more familiar with tweaking your own preamp than having to mess around with a different amp every time.

the additional benefit most outboard preamps have is the DI function. when your bass is connected directly to the house, there isn't even an amp, your tone is at the mercy of the soundman. that's where the preamp gives you control.
Had used the Bass Attack before (however it was in 2005)

The build quality wasn't that good. Hopefully it had improved thru the years.

it will be good for you to test out the preamp stage of the Bass Attack by plugging it into an Amp with effects return so that you by-pass the amp's preamp and use the Bass Attack to shape your tone.