Hallo All Drummers - Read This>>>

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As you grow up you may get tired of all this mutual back scratching and testicular massaging on this column where freedom of expression is a dirty word...

You wanna go some place where you get the real dirt...no holds barred....where you can say your piece and let go some steam without ever being moderated ...where we give you the real juice and flavour of the drumming world...totally uncut and full frontal?

Forget about drummer's solidarity and inspiration - that's for the kids who have yet to lose their drumming virginity. It's a dog eat dog world out there..and the sooner you learn the better.

Log in at http://forums.delphiforums.com/drumdirty/message/start

Unfortunately this may be my last post as I am sure to be banned by your friendly but insecure host. But I won't miss this place....it's just too artificial and contrived...a playpen for drummers who want to live in a dreamworld.

So long...but not goodbye !
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i am totally uncut and full-frontal. i just don't walk around with my pants down.

i don't see a lot of back scratching and mutual massaging here either. just folks treating each other with decency and respect.

freedom of expression should be tempered with mutual understanding and compromise.

if you can do that, our doors are always open and we welcome your participation.

warm regards

i am totally uncut and full-frontal. i just don't walk around with my pants down.

i don't see a lot of back scratching and mutual massaging here either. just folks treating each other with decency and respect.

freedom of expression should be tempered with mutual understanding and compromise.

if you can do that, our doors are always open and we welcome your participation.

warm regards

Heh heh heh..I got no beef with you mate...just that I like my food hot and spicy.

The so called freedom of expression here is an illusion under the guise of "mutual understanding and compromise". So far, I don't think I have been personal or rude to anyone..nor have I used words that if interpreted by any intelligent person can be construed as offensive or demoralising.

Yes my style is direct and forward, uncouched by artificial niceties....but I choose my words with care. Perhaps a little too Cheem for some to fully comprehend...maybe I should stick to proper Singlish.

Anyway, I thank you all for letting me look into your living room and taste your coffee.... sorry but too much sugar for me lah. I will now put on my shoes and take my leave.

A friend of mine has decided to open another coffee shop where there is real freedom of expression and absolutely no censorship. When you get tired of all this cosy hand holding here...do drop by.
A few of us here are matured enough to handle the kind of freedom of expressions you propagate. But many here are young and growing up and have not come to a point to handle your views. That is why so few responded to you. As you have said it, you don't find a belonging in this forum. This forum exercised totally one full freedom of expression... free to go if one wants to... to each his own...
I kind of understand what u mean. but yea restraint or tolerance i guess. exercise that or do like what u intend to do, which is to leave. ciao. Oh yea, James will probably whoop ur virtual softie ass (perhaps not for the first time i perceive?) for calling him insecure. wahaha
I know you're simply expressing your personal opinion. So in the same way, please allow me to express my opinion here.

I'm not saying that the way this forum works is the best way for young drummers to develop. However, this forum has operated in such a manner and has built a fairly effective community. You got my thread locked with all your trolling and crap, despite Eric's very controlled attempts to get you to stop. You go on about how we are all being misled to think that the world is full of happy endings. While that may be true, the fact is that you're the guest to this forum, so you either shut up or accept the way things work. You gave the analogy of NS. Well similarly you don't go to NS and whine to mindef about the system right? Ok maybe you do, but that just makes one of you.

I fully appreciate that you have provided a place for people who do want to experience an environment with more "freedom of expression" as you say. But as drumhobbyist has said, this forum has people of all ages and maturity, and to some young people harsh comments may demotivate them. True, that shows immaturity on their behalf because they're too sensitive to criticism or whatever, but the point is the purpose of the SOFT is to encourage them. If they are sensitive, then they will not be disheartened here because what we say is controlled and moderated.

Knowing that you're a very mature adult I hope that you realise your posts were simply not suitable for this forum, and in that sense you are in the wrong. Honestly I feel you owe Eric and James a huge apology, and I'm very much looking forward to an end in your "trolling".

Thank you,
chill out lah frankkk, u dun seem like a bad guy when we met. dun be another kenny hogan, i know ur bored at home. do some gardening, drink tea, do tai chi. my dad rides his harley to keep occupied. u two shld meet, i think u all will get along real gd. tell u wat frank , come for the next meet up and we can talk abt this in person. clear up all this animosity, and if it's still not settled so be it. all of us will hold u down while someone farts at u. hahhaha no lah tht wldn't happen. i think
Hey Frank. Just read through that locked post and now this. Interesting & I must say, it has substantial truth (even though you did go very off topic in the end, admit it :p). Soft forum is very friendly, maybe too friendly as you might say. Advice is given gift-wrapped in a neat little cute basket... but I don't see what's wrong with that either. I've received a good amount of advice which does help, and as you said, practicing and experiencing is also very important, I agree. Your version of brash, to-the-point, no-nonense help is good too. I liked the initial way you addressed on how to play jazz, real clear cut, concise, etc. Mind you though, Eric was humble & modest enough to not to adamantly defend his view, even if it were wrong. If it were me, my first instinct would probably be to lash back at you :p if everything fails, I'll just "disappear" from the forum for a while :p Anyway, promoting drumming is always good, and your view of the harsh world... well, I might agree, given you're more senior than I, but maybe just not the right post to discuss ya? Go ahead start a new post on "drumming & money - which is more important?", and I'll be interested to hear your views. But like you, I also admire those who dedicate their life to music. I'm 19, doing NS, ready and eager to go to university, and I just don't have the balls to do that. Drumming, as far as my near future goes, will remain a passionate hobby, nothing more.

So come on, let's chill, hold hands and sing songs together in this beautiful world of Soft. And please don't flame me, I get easily hurt. Haha.
I've read the locked thread, and I must say, I really wonder why do you keep on trying to carry on the argument, despite Eric trying to stop it.

Yes, we know you're just expressing your own argument, but freedom of expression comes with limits too. Freedom comes with discipline. Rules are rules, and in different communities certain things are frowned upon. Respect is also essential. You may have liked the way you were taught, ie. the hard way, but this forum has an aim of inspiring drummers the friendly way, and if you're not happy with that, you certainly don't belong here.

We are not here to discourage drummers with harsh words just to TRY and get them to be better, according to your NS analogy, because in the end, if drummers decide to give up and never get back on their feet, the loss will be greater.
As we grow we learn to think Positively (Respect & Learn To Live With Our Drumming Community Here) rather than Negatively (calling this mutual back scratching and testicular massaging).

We live in a World Govern by Rules & Regulation since the day we were born…It’s nothing NEW actually to Humans, and this is not term as (No Freedom Of Expression)– It depends. Here in Singapore, we are govern by many rules & regulation and it is these rules & regulation that makes it a better & safer home for us all.

Solidarity & Inspiration is not new too (Company preach these, our Local Government preach these and put it into action). The same with Soft & DXS as we also try our best putting it into practice here. We take this seriously as it becomes a Drumming Culture and Our Way Of Life that we are happy with for our this drumming social group. It naturally becomes our Belief through time - that this is indeed healthy for us all as we learn and is still learning while adapting while making changes for the betterment along the way hoping to instill a better environment for us to share the drumming passion altogether as a Family…….As in life we are always learning. This might not be the Best Optimal Approach but definitely the right approached – towards sharing, respect and harmony among drummers within Soft Forum & DXS reinforcing what we all hope to realize at the end of the day .

Generally speaking, people who doesn’t share the same beliefs of a certain group will never be a part of that social/special interest group as conflicts will arise. So they have to leave the group and join another social group that share similar beliefs/thinking/objective with them……and society is such, if a person cannot gel with the particular social group and agree to their strong beliefs – they have no place within the group. Unless this one person can changed his/her own beliefs – but such case is rare depending on how flexible/adaptable he/she is. This is tough as the common saying goes “It’s difficult to teach an old-dog new tricks” – Nah..what I mean is that – It is really difficult to change what ones strongly believes in.

Not only here within Soft & DXS but in any kind of Social Group – there exist a certain kind of Beliefs within any community and it is these Beliefs that holds them together. Soft does exercise Freedom Of Speech but is regulated flexibly in a certain way, and these Dos & Don’t’s are set upon by these Strong Beliefs of What build/enhance a Strong Drumming Community rather than Tear/or Cause Division among drummers and what’s best for the Drummers here at Soft …… and such freedom is flexibility as we learn to adopt & adapt along the way … cause, there is no way a Forum can put up all it’s Dos & Don’t stipulated out here in details – no single Forum in the World does that too. It is always based on a Broader Scale.

DrummerWorld Forum (The World Largest Forum) has it’s Do’s & Don’ts….and is being maintain healthily by both Nutha Jason & DogBreath. Threads are deleted without having to give any reasons to Forumers (as long as it’s deem fit by the Forum), no explaination owed to anyone…and they lay down new rules as and when deemed fit to upkeep it ….and that’s is the Westerners, aren’t they Opened enough – but still DrummerWorld realize that they have to exercise proper control over the Forum keep it as Healthy as possible. Today they are the No.1 Drumming Forum.. It goes to say certain rules & regulation has to be laid, while forumers have a certain degree of freedom (but not as in Total Freedom Of Doing What They Want To Do, say whatever they like) – without such control, things can easily get out of hand, as framing can occur very easily in a Cyber World.

Should this happen here in Soft Forum, it will have a great impact upon DXS. Drummers will have a wrong perception or a false impression of what Soft's DXS ia really all about....and this repercussion is very damaging to what we are all here trying to Build and Foster.

We bear no grudges with anyone, but it is our job to upkeep this Cyber Home & maintain a Clean & Healthy Environment for you, for myself for us all – as this is “OUR” Cyber Home and we stand firm in our belief.

Enough said - - Let’s move on.
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I really did not intend to post here again but since so many of you responded, I thought I ought to make my views clear and final, then hopefully take my leave. I shall keep my pearls for more discerning swines.

To BLURRED : No buddy I am not some bored cantankerous old fart out to cause trouble. Believe me...I am all for solidarity and friendship but I have lived long enough and seen enough to smell something that is not kosher here under all that veneer of goodwill and fellowship. I could be wrong but time will tell. As for boredom...well I am definitely no headlined first-call drummer lah, and drumming certainly does not occupy my daydreams and all my free time. But I get to play about a 15-20 well paid gigs a year (my choice), host 3 very successful regular jam sessions, have a healthy (but non-drumming related) nightlife, travel almost every month on leisure...those who know me knows I am not bullshitting. And no...I don't have a Harley...but I am a member of the Lexus Club.
Just don't get the wrong idea.

To ERIC : Hey Eric, you are a nice chap and have done a lot of work on this forum and DXS. It's never personal bro - but you haven't got a clue about debate and free expression. It's your forum though and I respect your right to run it the way you want , and that is why you won't get much more crap from me. But puleazze..stop your gratuitious pontificating in the name of true drumming progress. You may be a drummer but you are not a preacher. I'll see you when I see you, boy

To METZALX: I am not arguing with anyone...just expressing my views. If you don't agree that's cool. Most of you are so coddled here you just cannot handle someone who comes here with some radically different views and you over react. But honestly..do point out to me SPECIFICALLY anything that I said that was wrong or offensive to anyone...rather than making broad allegations and accusations? I respect you but does it mean I have to constantly patyou on the back too? Maybe I belong to a generation that does not believe in empty talk. When I was a young man, we took to the streets when we disagree with government policies, and we had real fiery opposition in parliament too. BUT...this forum desires dull conformity and not diversity. I will respect that too. That's why I won't post anymore .

To SIDMONTU : Yah..you hold hands and sing songs lah..I got better things to do. And don't worry..I won't flame you or be unkind. We're cool.

To PLSLAYER : Hi Michael...that's exactly the way I would expect a mature person to react. You said your points and I said mine. We may or may not agree but that is not the point...but we should defend to the death our respective rights to say it. Here they have this silly creed...everybody must be lovey-dovey..don't rock the boat...hold hands...and we will all be better drummers. If you cannot see something odd in this, then you probably have not been very long in the real world. And why should I apologise to anyone? I may have criticised but I have not insulted anyone..or wilfully sought to cause damage. If some people have such a thin skin, they should not be running a forum.

To TIM098 : That's the problem with you lot..you don't read too good. That "insecure" remark was not meant for James whom I hardly know as a person. But your drum forum host I have known for some time...and his responses so far has proven me right. As for whupping my ass....in virtual space or reality...I am always up for the challenge. Maybe that's my problem....hahaha.

To DRUM_HOBBYIST : Okay okay ladies....I am leaving.
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OK, we have all stated our points and share our views - This Thread will be locked and discussion on this subject matter is now closed (for the best interest of everyone here).

We're are still brothers where drumming is concern, never competing but sharing.

Cheers! everybody, it's time we all move on and Happy Drumming Everyone !.

Peace !
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