Guys, I am Leaving LIME!

that's pretty ballsy. kudos to you for that.

sorry if this is like throwing cold water but my inner HR manager just can't help but wonder... is your employer aware of your intentions? and if they aren't... are you sure its the wisest thing to post your intentions on a public forum before notifying your employers?

then again if your employer knows then all's well. they should be very supportive and excited!
Um - shouldn't you be keeping quiet about this until you tell you employers? Don't know - just thinking out loud. Anyhow - all the best to you bro. Go for your dreams.

A friendly observation from a person within the industry (well i am not much - just a sessionist playing for artistes) If you are going to fight public perception it is very hard. Like if Singaporeans think local bands suck - might I suggest you target your base elsewhere? To garner a market of fans is hard enough - to counter an age old belief or to alter perception - well that's a whole lot tougher. A lot of artistes have found success this way. The not so good looking Chinese singers go to Taiwan to ply their trade - where looks is not above the talent. Others go to Japan where they crowd are always ready to listen to something new and fresh. Pop Shuvit is one such Malaysian band - huge following in Japan - but not much in Malaysia. Once the artist has become more famous - they can concentrate on their home country. Amzaing what an overseas endorsement will do for you. People think you are more talented - even though you are the same person/band. have a thought about it - you might want to go to a market that is more receptive to your idea about music.

If you want to establish a base near to Singapore - perhaps you can establish KL as your base first. Locals here tend to think highly of local English acts. The perception has changed over the years. We use to think local bands suck - until a few pioneers sweated through sweat and blood. Perception has changed :) There are a lot more clubs here and musicians in general are quite supportive of each other.

Else - I wish all the best in going for Singapore first :)
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As long you Rock N' Roll, you'll Never Grow Old.....

Lets Get Rocked...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very very true dude
And thanks for all the support.

I just needed some reassurance from you guys, since I've been here for years, probably pissed some people off along the way with my bluntness at times but am always coming back because SOFT is my drug :D So thank you for being so nice about it. :)

Yes I've told my employer already. They've been very kind and understanding about it. And have always allowed me to push for more local content. They were also the ones who approved of the LIME Compilation CD when no one else would!

And of course there will be more LIME SONIC BANGS!
It was around way before I joined LIME, and it will be around way after. :)
My contribution to that has only been to push for more local BANDS rather than the um, Singapore Idol stuff. :S

As to the above quote

Yes, we are basing most of our fanbase (We don't call them fans though, they are fellow ninjas) in the US and in Europe. About 95 percent of the peeps on our various Internet sites (We have TEN!) are foreigners. You can visit to check it out!

That's not to say we're abandoning Singapore. Our heart and physical bodies will always be here. But our objectives are clear and that is to make foreigners more aware of the Singapore market.

For example,
A US band like Hollywood Undead gained millions of listens and fans even BEFORE they played a single live show. They formed in 2005, and played their first show in 2008.
There are countless bands - NOT only Western bands - who have utilized the Internet to go places, or at the very least, sell a decent number of albums and merch online to make a passable living.

No offense to any musician here. You know I love (most) of you guys to bits!
(Except maybe for people like Krist.)

But I do find that Singaporean bands tend to live in the vacuum of our scene.
What I mean is, bands sometimes get discouraged by the obstacles that hinder most of us from being heard. But with the Internet, if you're persistent as hell, geography is not an obstacle anymore.

Don't get TOO Caught up in the scene. The scene is wonderful, it's thriving, but as musicians to musicians, our perception can sometimes be skewed and biased. We need to pull ourselves OUT of the scene and approach the marketability, music and promotion from a more universal perspective. This is not selling out. It's merely taking a step back, re-evaluating your approach, and trying something a little different.

It's like a jigsaw puzzle. Instead of insistently forcing a piece together over and over again, it's better to take a step back and re-access how to put the pieces together to make the big picture!

Local bands NEED to start thinking outside of the box a little.
And they need to learn how to market themselves in a more effective manner.

And it's no longer about a race to see how many times a band can repeatedly play at the Esplanade or Substation. Or how many Baybeats you can stack up in a row. Or how many newspaper articles you make in the Life! section.

It's the revolution baby!

Our geography is limited.
Our population is limited.
But a world of millions and millions and millions of open minded online listeners, both young and old, who do not give a lovelovelovelove which country you come from, awaits.
This will be slightly controversial post

There is much much more out there than winning local band competitions
Much more out there than spending too much time trying to be heard on radio
Much more than paying money to perform at some dodgy llocal gig in a dodgy venue.
Much more than winning awards that are overlooked by the general population here, much less acknowledged by people in the rest of the world.
Much more than playing LIME SONIC BANG :D
Much more than playing Baybeats :O

All of the above are necessary, very necessary, and very very important to developing our scene and anyone who has contributed to all of the above are awesome people (Except maybe the dodgy gigs and Lime Sonic Bang part cause Levan sucks!)

All I'm trying to say is, while striving for the above things, keep your end goal in mind. Don't wait and 'see what happens', don't 'wait for opportunities to come'.

We are the underdogs. Always have been and frankly, always will be.
But it doesn't mean you have to be a victim of circumstance any longer :)

And with that
I shall shut the lovelovelovelove up now
before somebody slaps me in the face with a ninja fish for rambling :D

Sorry I get orgasmic when I type on SOFT :P Even if James hates my guts! hee!
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Looks like many softies know you Levin. Sori I do not but I read your contributions with keen interest; both as a writer and a critic. You are one of a few Singaporean (I assume you are!) whom I actually can identify with. U belong to the atypical group of Singaporean who are outright and frank in outlook yet have no intention of being malicious. I do applaud u.

Go soar like an eagle to the highest height and do Singapore proud. It's about time more Singapore musicians are gutsy enough to take on the world then to waste their energy bitching and moaning about other local bands. Let action speak for themselves.

My very very best to you and I am sure with your passion and determination nothing can stop you from succeeding. Look forward to your home coming when you are done with the global stage. Singapore music scene will be that much richer with guys like you. Be our RED DOT that will glorify our nation to the world. Don't just let any of our TEAM SINGAPORE do the job..hahahah::)))))) We , musicians can also be a force to be reckoned. May the FORCE (whatever force u believe in ) be with you.
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Very gutsy of you to step into the unknown.
I wish you guys well, Dong too.
Don't come back if you don't make it!
Good luck dude. Aim far and wide. Who knows, maybe in the future Singapore might use it's music talents as stable exports.
A little thank you note.

Hey levan.I am not sure if you still remember me, because the first time we met was when you were doing that school invasion tour thingy and you were at boonlay secondary school with Ronin. Well heres the thing you actually inspired me to keep going, I dunnoe why but you just had that vibe and i enjoyed talking to you about the band kiss. You even helped me by sending me videos of them performing. It gave one of the first assurences(is this how you spell it?) that people here are very nice.We barely talk(in fact not at all) but you always talked to me through your words,lime magazine =). It's sad that your not gonna be around but at the same time gives all of us hope. like what ac/dc said "its long way to the top if u wanna rock and roll". I'd jus like to say levan your more than half way up man and im sure me and all the softies will lend you our support...what the heck give you our fullest support....rock on levan!!

Yours truly,
you were an inspiration to me the first time i saw you perform with Ronin all those years ago, and you continue to amaze me with each and every one of your endeavours.

Blaze forth a path for the rest of us to follow, my dear friend, and earn yourself a page in the history books. Or at least a little spot in a Uniquely Singapore commercial!
you've always been an inspiration to me, and it seems to many other people here as well. wishing you all the best, hope you'll achieve recognition and push singaporean music up a notch. pity you're leaving lime though, is anyone similar to you going to take over your place?

Thanks so much guys.
I suddenly feel very touched.

Sometimes I feel very frustrated with the scene.
And that people tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive.

But thanks to some of your messages, it keeps me motivated.

I'm really scared with this new big step myself but right now, I'm much more confident than ever. Reminds me of when my old band first organized the very first school invasion tours some two years ago. That sense of challenge was very overwhelming.

Thank you thank you thank you!!

And yes, Utha, I remember you!
That was like, almost 2 years ago? You know how I remember you? Cause there aren't that many hardcore KISS fans in Singapore and I REMEMBER we were talking about that too :) KISS still rocks!

Now I feel a bit :O because I thought the messages would be simple, but reading things from Visa and everyone else, my face is red :O

Thank you again. I truly mean it :)

Ok I won't hog this SOFT thread any further. Very paiseh, wait people think I psycho. But thank you for the words of encouragement :)