I believe this debate about whether shops should be noob-friendly or not has been raging since forever. Here's my take:
Certain shops carry stuff that is more expensive and hence meant for people who know what they want and have a more advanced understanding about guitar. Therefore, it would be fair for the sales staff to expect a certain level of knowledge and understanding from the customer.
Other shops only carry stuff that is more geared towards noobs. These shops are pretty rare. Hence, i would expect the sales staff to be able to handle noob questions and requests without that tiresome 'oh-shit-i'm-dealing-with-another-noob' attitude. After all, they do stock stuff that is meant for these people and thus the customer has the right to know everything he needs to know before making the purchase.
Most shops carry a mixture of both high and low-end goods, hence the sales staff should expect to serve people from both ends of the spectrum. The problem is, with Singapore being a small market, there are few music shops around as compared to say the US. Thus, i feel that some of the sales staff acquire this 'oh-i'm-cooler-than-you' attitude because they've got a unique job. Thus, they tend to deride noobs and say that they're timewasters. I'd expect the sales staff to be at the very least more tolerant to noobs instead of just brushing them off as pests. This is a pitfall that quite a few local sales staff fall into, IMHO. I know that being in sales isn't easy, but your job is to make it easy for the customer, not for yourself. That's why i usually patronise places which offer friendly, personable service to everyone without discrimination like SV, whereas i tend to shun places which roll out the red carpets for 'pro' musicians while virtually slamming the door in the less experienced musicians' faces.
Just my 2 cents from my experience here.