Guitar Workshop

Scuderia said:
I tried an epi G-310. I'm still playing around with different guitars though, trying to find the right one.

Ah ic... G-310 is bolt on.

Keep going around looking out.

Consider Ibanez SA 120 as well. I am sure some would agree with me.

If you want a SG though... Do consider the G-400... Its more "authentic" in that it has a Mahogany body and neck and has a set neck.
You can get them at GW for 450.

Swee Lee charges abit more... I do have a friend trying to sell off his. Not sure if you want it.

Right now they dun have any stock. They are mainly selling Epi LPs, OLP mm-1s and hagstrome guitars.

But yeah, when I got my Epi G-400 from them it was selling for 450. If you guys go in often enough and keep bugging them for the G-400, maybe they'll bring in more stock :wink:

but do bear in mind that the G-400 is neck-heavy.. but it's so frickin' light!!!

*jumps with guitar*
Guitar up to a certain level. get one nice playing one..

Good Squier or OLP or Epiphone which you like.

Spend more for the amp. Wont regret it.

Then again, to each his own. but I found that a more expensive amp tends to improve your tone exponentially.
If you gig outside regularly - splurge on guitar
Any amp you own at home will just be a practice amp anyway.. Unless you decide to bring your amp out for gigs as well.
If you play bedroom style 8) - I think amp is a better choice but you do still need a decent guitar too.

Obvious statement(s) warning!!!


1. most important - it must feel comfortable to you.
2. it must last long (think 5 yrs++) just asjk a friend to help u check the QC
3. it must be decent sounding (again ask friend to sit beside you and test-hear)


1. it should be loud enough so that you can hear yourself, but you gotta learn how to exercise restraint such that ur neighbours wun comprain.
2. must have volume, basic EQ and headphone out for late-night practises.
3. must have proper grounding!!! (you can mod the plug head urself if it's a 2-pin)

So once you balance those few factors out with your budget... I'm sure you'll get a decent guitar and amp.

Just my 2cents.
Hmm, how would we know if a guitar will last 5 years and beyond? Plus, I thought guitars are supposed to last for decades at least haha. :P

As I mentioned, ask ur pal to help u see the QC. If ur friend has a good eye, he can prolly tell you whether that axe can last a long time or not.

Believe it or not, some budget axes last for less than 6 or 7 yrs.
jony said:
Guitar up to a certain level. get one nice playing one..

Good Squier or OLP or Epiphone which you like.

Spend more for the amp. Wont regret it.

Then again, to each his own. but I found that a more expensive amp tends to improve your tone exponentially.

because i have 2 options.

1: get a G-310 and get a line-6 spider II amp. (i really like it)

2: get a higher end model like a dot or maybe a G-400 and get a cheap amp.
a DOT you said?

I gotch one and I play it unplugged and it satisfies... :lol: Seriously.


Do you really want the SG design? Because there are some guitars that IMO are more cost effective than the G-310.

For instance the SA 120.
Or a OLP.

I personally had a poor experience with epiphone bolt neck guitars... instability was my main gripe.
you have a dot? i tried it and fell in love with it's sound and versatality but i find it abit too big and heavy.

have you gigged with it before? do you feel alright with it on stage?
Yea I did gig with it.

Ok well... I do play in church... I dont jump all over the place kinda thing... Its fine for rocking out.

I am sure you have seen John Frusciante... Van Halen and Ritchie Blackmore used Es-335 guitars in their career.

Is really up to you though.

Btw I thought the Petrruci OLP hanging there wasnt too bad. It was quite nice actually.