guitar tuning


New member
ive been thinking abt this for awhile
im currently in a band n doing covers
but if my band wanna do our own originals
how should i go able choosing the guitar tuning tt fits my band well?
ive heard tt i should follow how my vocalist sound like n den choose the type of tuning tt fits his vocal?

thnks for helping
what music do you play?if you like the tuning then use it la.there is no follow the vocalist pitch if you ask me.
Well, if you're the band leader, and your vocalist is being anal about what tuning you're using, boot his ass out and get a new one.
what music do you play?if you like the tuning then use it la.there is no follow the vocalist pitch if you ask me.

Got.. Look at Mark Tremonti.. Both the vocalists for Creed and Alter Bridge sings in D..
Thats why most of his songs, such as In Loving Memory, has an open D kinda tuning : DGDGBD.. It enables him to play lotsa open chords and harmonize with his vocalists..
dude i love that song.the intro is really nice.alter bridge is an exception.but in generalisation not many bands harmonise according to their vocalist.
well my band plays rock to hardrock
so most of da songs we play are in drop d or standard
some standard tuning or drop d tuning songs pitch is too high for him
If you're playing covers..

Transpose the song if your vox can't seem to reach it.

If that doesnt work just means your vocalist can't sing. Period.
Haha. Yea.

Every cover that i was supposed to play had to be transposed. Rarely could we ever play with the same chords as the original ones.
My guitars haven't been tuned to Standard tuning in god knows how long! Its either half step down or whole step down.. ;)