Guitar player (still) seeks other fools to make noise with


New member
guitar player looking to connect with other musicians who dig similar stuff

bands I like :
boredoms, sonic youth, pixies, melvins, sunn o))), daughters, the jesus lizard, melt-banana, OOIOO, the mentally ill, fugazi, METZ, Merzbow, king crimson, drive like jehu, hot snake, super unison, blood brothers, the locust, nirvana, u-men, teenage jesus and the jerks, the microphones, helium, hella, sleep, whores, meat puppets, mudhoney, the stooges, minutemen, cardiacs, naked city, big black.

hit me up at 8792 five zero nine fiveeeeeeeeeeeee. hail satan

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dear SOFT admin,

is it okay to "hail satan" in this forum?
if you allow this guy to set the precedent, then i surely will do it in many threads to come,

and we can all HAIL SOFT SATAN
you sound like a social studies textbook, if it makes ya happy, I can hail Stanley instead, so as not to use satans name in vain!
flunked my 'O' levels?! oh man, that really hurt my feelings, I can't believe anyone would say something so mean over the internet. You sure taught me an important lesson today about hurting others with words. I guess we all learned a little something today.

still looky lookin to jam! Amos, wanna quench our terrible feelings with the power of love and music?