Guitar modifications


New member
I'm rather new to guitars so forgive me if some of my questions seem rather noob.
I recently bought a second hand ibanez sx60 acoustic guitar. The sound and everything is great but I feel that the strings are a bit stiff and tightly strung onto the guitar. It is quite painful and tiring when I have to press down very hard to get a good tone. If I don't press hard enough, the tone is very bad. Is there such thing as loosening the tension of the strings so that it is easier to press and personally I find it easier to strum.
Another thing is I feel that that the strings could be closer to the fret board. Is there a way to lower the strings closer to the fret board?
If there are such services available where do you guys recommend I go to get it done and it won't cost much.
for string tension..its more due to the gauge of the strings..

well for action..juz bring it to a tech or smth.
the gauge of the strings is the thickness of the strings. you can buy thinner strings which would be easier to play. but you will lose out on volume and tone.. but i should think that at this stage of your playing, that wouldn't be a problem. a gauge of .9 or .10 would a good place to start. the number shown is the thickness of the 1st E string.

as for the action, it would cost approx $30-60 if i'm not wrong..
Which shop do you recommend going?

Another thing is I noticed the intonation on the first string on the higher frets(after 12) is significantly flat. Is this due to the old strings or to the guitar?
thinner string may be easily broken...
Thicker string have a good thing is that it last longer..though starting the string would be quite stiff...but after play for seasoned, then the string would be quite flexible...
Using thinner strings would help. . . But have to be a bit careful. . . If you break your strings, they'd whip out like . . . Whips. . . And it's pretty painful if it hits your arm. . .