Guitar Magazines

i juz got May's Guitar Techqiues.. .expensive thou.... 18.50... but quite worth the money.. got a lot of scores... and a cd as well.. vai and satch on the cover for this mth...

I saw other magazines as well... but kinda sian cos all wrap up... cannot preview.. i went popular...

Any bookstore got guitar magazines that are not wrap up ? borders?
I would go to the library to read up a few guitar magazines every now & then. I find that buying guitar magazines are just too expensive. I rather spend the money on new gear :P
Guitarist has a good and objective gear reviews, good interviews.

Guitar techniques has the best lesson IMO.

Guitar Player, not bad, best guitar mag published in US. Decent good reviews.

Guitar World and Guitar One. Don't bother. The reviews are biased IMO.
If any of you guys are Guitar Player readers and the 14 dollar price is killing you just go subscribe to it, i have a 2 year subscription and after doing the math i pay only abt 5 to 6 bucks an issue and i get it from my mail =)
ciel21 said:
If any of you guys are Guitar Player readers and the 14 dollar price is killing you just go subscribe to it, i have a 2 year subscription and after doing the math i pay only abt 5 to 6 bucks an issue and i get it from my mail =)

May i know where to subscribe GP? Beenn searching for some time. Uk's Guitarists and US GP gets my vote. Acoustic player too.
Ya i buy Guitarist and Guitar Player every month best 2 mags around, the rest sorta pales in comparison. Guitar Techniques is differnt as its catered to lessons.

Gapple just go to the guitar player website and subscribe from there. You can email their customer support also, they have been very prompt on my emails.
certain magazines have certain affiliations/ obligations to their motherland & the related products, it's kinda obvious. however, these people are pro enough to keep their comments within their objectives.

about time we have a domestic version... :smt027
Lets face it, reviews are inherently biased, theres someone doing the review and that someone has his own opinions.

Read the review and decide for yourself, get more reviews from more sources, saying one magazine is bias or whatnot is kinda pointless.

Just make your own judgement.
accoustic guitar

well if u r into acoustic guitar like i m u can read acoustic guitar mag n drool over the gear. they've got gd lessons, interesting reads on musicians n music (but more the folk/instrumental stuff). no cd but got password to access their online resources. guitar technique is the best in my opinion if u r talking abt comprehensive coverage n lessons. but damn ex.

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