Guitar Lessons!?!?


New member
Hi forum!

I am thinking to go for guitar lessons. I have 2 schools in mind.
1. Guitar Garage
2. Yamaha

From what I understand, lessons from guitar garage is very flexible. However, it cost $160 for 4 lessons which is very pricey.

So far I do not know what the lessons in yamaha is like.

If you guys know of other guitar schools, please recommend.

I need a school that is very flexible as I wlii be taking my 'O' Levels this year and may not be able to commit to all lessons. I also need a school that does not start teaching from the beginning, but from what you know( I have been playing for 1+ year, self-taught.) And hopefully the cost of the lessons is not more than $100, however it is not priority.

Genres I play: Rock, blues, blues rock, hard rock and a bit of metal.

Thank you all in advance.

The genres that I play is rock, blues, blues rock, hard rock and a bit of metal.
Guitar garage is taught my shaari, which is my teacher, hes a nice guy. Hes good too, as hes a berkleee grad thats why u paying 40/lesson.

You can also consult him on what you want to learn, and his schedule is also flexible, if you cannot make it just postpone lor.

HOWEVER, he doesnt like student that dont do their homework, so every lessons must come prepared if not GG. lol
I'm also learning at guitar garage. Used to do group classical lessons at yamaha and i definitely didn't like the pace there. Not sure about electric one-to-one lessons at yamaha though. But if you have the money i think guitar garage is very good for learning things.
Well, at least on the bright side this helps his students to be more disciplined in terms of guitar technique and theory.
Im a Apprentice of Guitar Garage best place to be studying guitar in...
$160 is not expensive if u really compare what he teaches to other teachers.

yes hes a berklee grad where Steve vai comes from!!! hahahahaha

xuanzang why gg u make him sound so fierce leh he not happy liao rofl.

i think it really depends on u, if just tell him u wanna learn for leisure and no pressure stuff he'll go easy on u but if ur really serious about guitar then perhaps if u nv practice enough he won't be happy, he has high expectations but hes not that fierce la.

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Heh, Shaari's style tends to be like vai too.. look at his gear man. lol.

TS: Guitar lessons usually cost about these kind of prices.

personally, i rather you try to self learn more stuffs and techniques first before seeking a teacher should you want to push the envelope further. if not paying someone to teach you things that can be easily googled is rather wasteful and almost spoonfeeding imo.

Should you still want to find a teacher, look for one that has the same influences as you, if not you will feel that you learn nothing.

just some of my thoughts.

Im a Apprentice of Guitar Garage best place to be studying guitar in...
$160 is not expensive if u really compare what he teaches to other teachers.

yes hes a berklee grad where Steve vai comes from!!! hahahahaha

xuanzang why gg u make him sound so fierce leh he not happy liao rofl.

i think it really depends on u, if just tell him u wanna learn for leisure and no pressure stuff he'll go easy on u but if ur really serious about guitar then perhaps if u nv practice enough he won't be happy, he has high expectations but hes not that fierce la.


HAhaha no la.. kidding only lol! cause i am going to take the rockschool grade exams. so must work harder... hope to see you sometime hhaha. i am on friday lessons
@ xuanzang

im on saturdays haha last time i friday but u stole my slot!!!
hahaha kiddin im taking the exams too jia you!!
Rock On!
Wah quite a lot of people here taking lessons from him. My lesson is also on sat. But i see i'm like quite old among his students. Heard his oldest student is some retiree.

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