Guitar found in void deck


New member
hey ppl. Something interesting to share with ya guys. Ytd i found this OLD classical guitar at the void deck. My mom told me someone old uncle has disposed it. So i rush down to bring the guitar home.haha. :) and to my surprise. Its IN TUNE. And its a TOKAI CLASSICAL. The model is L-50. I think the guitar is like 10-20 years old. Anyone heard of this model? I went to check out tokai's webby, but cant seem to find anything.
it's most likely possessed by the spirit of a dead rocker. Careful it makes strange noises at night.

hah kidding la! A free guitar is a good guitar.
Vaiyen: haha. my fren was saying that too.haha. but so far so good. and it has loads of stickers on the guitar. Like 'born to rock' and a sticker that says 'the vandals' i think its some band. anyone knows?
lol punks don't know the difference between the guitar types. they strum on a classical, and tell everyone how great they are :D

but as someone everyone knows likes to say, whatever works for u :wink:
Fruitwine said:
lol punks don't know the difference between the guitar types. they strum on a classical, and tell everyone how great they are :D

but as someone everyone knows likes to say, whatever works for u :wink:

i think they take the approach of "plug in-and-whack" kind .. *huh? what's tremolo ah? is that something new from burger king???*
at least billy joe armstrong knows wat's a les pol n wat's marshall!!!hehehe...

tt's y punk is considered junk to some...
u gd lah..get free guitar...
1 of us here also foundt a yamaha pacifica 012 near the lift...
u guys r gd man...
haha.but its a reallyyyyyy OLDDDD guitar. haha. vintage. tokai somemore. Dont know if its made in japan!! haha. whoever got the yamaha pac is one lucky person man.haha
bin4christ said:
u gd lah..get free guitar...
1 of us here also foundt a yamaha pacifica 012 near the lift...
u guys r gd man...

fuhuaaaa .. i also want to find guitar at the lift there .. i want to get an electric but i don't have the cash man ... goodness ... this spurs me on to take the lift more often even though i live on the 2nd floor .. ahahahh
knightfal: haha yea sort of. But the amazing thing is that it was still in tune. and it has a pretty good tone to it. and for bonus it came with a leather strap. :wink:
vintage?woa..if lucky u may hav taken a v. gd vintage stuff...
like my fren's guitar teacher..he bought a '59 les pol back wen he was 17 in the US 4 US$500...then wen he migrated here found out tt it can be sold 4 US$190,000!!!hehe...
bin4christ: haha. nah dont think its vintage la. woah 59 lespaul. THATS PRECIOUS. and for 500 us bucks. CHEAP dirt cheap. haha. Lucky fella
yeah haha...prolly wen the previous pwner sold it to him he thot it was some dirty old crap n sold it CHEAP...
n prolly the fact tt '58&'59 les pols r worth US$250,000 is found out v. v. late i think...hehe...