Guitar/Bass Straight to PC. Possible?


New member
wondered if it was possible for me to buy a convertor to convert the other end of the cable to the soundcard line in. so i can plug my guitar straight into the PC to do recording. is that possible? or do i have to get smth else?. i have a bass as well and i'd like to do some recording on both strat and jbass. thx.
for bass i duno if ur speakers will blow haha a.. but i plug my guitar into my computer microphone jack. Can record and play heh.
but how do you convert the fat end of the cable to become the small one so can plug into the PC. my PC speakers quite pro. tink can support bass.
Do you have any effects pedal or multi-efx board? It will be easier to have an Line-Out from these to the LINE-IN of your computer soundcard.

As for the connector, you can find them at either Sim Lim Sq / Sim Lim Tower or Ranking@BBC.
hmm i dont have a pedel or effects board. i do however have a tuner and it has a line in for bass/guitar and line out to amp. will that help?
u can just plug it in and play.. remember to select line in on ur pc audio config or unmute it.. u can get the jack converters at ur nearest electrical stores
Hmmm....u cld also try connecting frm ur amp(if any)to ur com, it'll enable u 2 plug ur pedals in too plus some extra stuff............this is the fun.......experiment and try out new stuff.
if i'm using acoustic electric guitar, must i have an active pickup? can a passive pickup work? coz mine can't i'm using audacity to record.

also which line should i put in? i've got microphone and line in jacks