Guitar and vocal lessons for beginners and intermediate. First lesson FREE!

Nat Chia

New member
Hi i'm looking for anyone who is interested in learning acoustic/eguitar and vocals.
My rates are $20/hour and you get the first lesson FREE! :)

My teaching style comprising of just simple basic music theory and from there
i'll guide you to play all your favorite music. No pressure, No obligations,
just simply have fun.

Interested simply pm me thanks!
Nat - 8128 7992
Hi, Nat here.

Want to learn to play the Acoustic/Electric guitar?

Having problems learning to sing and play the guitar at the same time?

Ever needed someone to guide you through learning all your favorite

Well then, just gimme a call or sms
My rates are $20/hour and first lesson's free :)
Location wise, wherever's convenient for you.

Nat - 8128 7992