Guitar amplifier


New member
Hi, i'm new to guitars and had decide to buy an electric guitars. I was searching from the internet where to get cheaper amplifier and saw a website that have 3 categories for guitar amplifier, they shows guitar combo, guitar cabinet and guitar head amps, what does these 3 means? is it tt i nid 3 of them tt makes up an amplifier? If i just wan the amplifier tt connect to electric guitar so tt i can play which 1 should i get?

Thanks for the reply^^
ya just plug and play (make sure your guitar is in tune)
if u have time i suggest that you go to some guitar shop
there's plenty of guitar shop in peninsula and bras basah, im sure u will spot the different between combo,head and cabinet.
get a marshal 15cdr :D

been using it for years for my practice far never gives any problem
does u all know where to get affordable left handed electric guitar? cos i'm a left handed. haha

erm if you havnt picked up the guitar at all yet, it doesnt really matter if its left or right.. i mean since it's like learning to write again as a toddler so yea wont matter afterall there are left handed people using right hand guitars too..
Just pick up a guitar and see which side feels more natural (right-hand or lefty).
However, I do know some lefties who play right-handed because right-handed guitars are more readily available (quantity and variety) then their left-handed models. So you might wanna take that into account.