Guinness Live! @ Shanghai Dolly


Staff member

Attended the media launch of Guinness Live! @ Shanghai Dolly yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to see a few SOFTies who are taking part in the competition. All the best to you guys and gals!

Press release from Guinness

In support of the local live music scene, Guinness is staging a fresh music program - Guinness Live - which brings together industry veterans and young aspirants. Twelve amazing young performers under the mentorship of music veterans will battle it out through a series of 54 live shows held in three of Singapore’s hottest clubs - Dragonfly, Firefly and Shanghai Dolly.

‘Guinness Live’ will kick off on 1 November 2011 and run till 1 March 2012, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night at 10.00 pm at Shanghai Dolly, Dragonfly & Firefly respectively. These 12 singers will be divided into three teams, with each team assigned their respective “home club” and mentor - William Scorpion from Shanghai Dolly, Jason Chung from Dragonfly and Fatt Zhai from Firefly.

The highlight of each show features a musical battle where a visiting mentor and the contestant under his tutelage visits a contesting club to challenge the resident team to a stage battle called a Player-Killer Shootout (PK Shootout). With the help of renowned composer and producer Eric Ng, 20 Chinese classics have been turned into special ‘Guinness Live’ remixes for the contestants to perform during the PK Shootout at the three clubs.

“Singapore has talented performers. ‘Guinness Live’ gives young musicians unprecedented access to industry veterans who have worked with international artistes. The four month long competition will help them hone their stage performance and learn the music business from experienced professionals. This is the type of break every young singer needs to pursue a career in the music industry,” said Eric Ng, Producer & Founder, Funkie Monkies.

More information about ‘Guinness Live’ events can be found at