Guideline in creating solos - Need very good advice and help


New member
Hi All Guitar Experts,

I need some help on creating solos :roll: . Currently, i've been playing natural scales and increments to create my solos, but the problem is that it doesn't sound nice and it doesn't follow the ryhthm. I'm sure i have a lot of mistakes in creating solo.

I need help from you guys on how to create solos. If you hear some Malay songs or Chinese songs, they always have some fantastic solos in the middle of it, which i really love it. Melodius and norm speed.

Let's say i want to create a solo and my ryhtm is from Major E > Major G > Major A.

How to create a solo :?: :?: ???
1) listen to the chord progression b4 u go out 2morro

2) dun tink abt it the whole day

3) hum a melody on your way home, and try to remember it when you get back

now try figuring it out on your guitar

works for me when i'm not trying to get my left hand to cramp :lol:
My suggestion is....

Always check the do re mi from the chord that u are using.

E major = E,F#,G#,A,B,C#,D#E
G major = G,A,B,C,D,E,F.G
A major = A,B,C#,D,E,F#,G,A

Just play around with the do re mi from the chord that u use.
From there, u can craft a melody out from the tempo of the song and the do re mi from ur chords that u are using.

I agree with jeremyrozario.
To craft a solo, u have to find a melody to match the type of song that u make.

So, i hope u can craft a nice melody out from it.
Lets say you using do re mi for each chord. That make good sense.

From that do-re-mi, what kind of boxed pattern can you use to make the solos? Like for E>G>A case, should i just use E natural scale to make my solo only...?

You can use either one of the scale to create the solo.

Starting from the E major do re mi.
As the chord change, try to falls on the other note of the other do re mi.

It will be nice if, the note starts on Emajor, ur solo starts on B note.
Something like that.

Give it a try and hope ur finger can do the talking.
How do you determine that the scale note starts from B note when my rhythm is from E > G > A???

Can explain to me how do you determine that?

One of my methods is this but i never tried extensively this technique :

If you strum chords E, G and A. The individually from each string are as below :

(Highest String > Lowest String)

E Chord : E B E G# B E
G Chord : G B A D B G
A Chord : E A E A C# E

So can i start my scale just using the notes from the chords and maybe choose any scales notes that has E > B > E > G# > B > E > and follow G chord notes and A chord notes consecutively (of course need to add some bend or hammer/pull offs in the middle of it).

Is this technique legit by the way? Can this consider as arpeggio ?
There are essentially three types of people that write music -
1) those that do so with strong leanings towards theory
2) those that write based on what they hear in their head
3) those that do a bit of both, as above, with varying degrees between the two

Seems like you want to do more of 1, as above. For that, you'll have to learn lots more on theory. Only structured lessons will help you towards that end. Well, perhaps a DVD+book may also do.

Take note that anyone, including myself, whom I consider to be really self-taught in the truest sense, still require some form of theory. But by and large most of what I play is what I hear in my head and at times it comes simply from jamming and playing.

Like I shared with you in your earlier thread, go for quality. I'd also like to add that it's ok to learn to walk before you start running.

Seriously, i suck at humming and continuing the melody. I don't know why, i just not good with my hearing skills and that's why i depend on the theory to help me. I need to train my hearing skills. But, best said is learn to walk before learning to run.

I really love solos by Jimmy Page...sweet and smooth.

If you really love Jimmy Page's style (I'm a huge Jimmy Page buff myself), what i would really recommend you to do is to not touch the guitar, but rather put on your headphones and listen to the phrasing of Jimmy Page, and how he composes a solo... like what kind of structure does he use?

Think about it from a slightly technical slant and you'll realise that alot of his solos are like "stories".. there's an intro, a main body, a climax and an ending.

Classic examples are:

Stairway To heaven
Since I've been loving you
Rock and roll
Over The Hills and far away

Of course you can also listen to other guitar gods and how they structure their solos. recommended listens: david gilmour, peter frampton and Thin Lizzy (Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson in particular).

Notice I'm not advocating shredder styles. I'm recommending you a 'feel' sort of solo style. The key is listening and understanding :wink:

E Chord : E B E G# B E
G Chord : G B A D B G
A Chord : E A E A C# E
This is the note when u are holding a chord.

If you talking about solo, you need to base on scale.

E major = E,F#,G#,A,B,C#,D#,E (do,re,mi,fa,so.,a,si,do) or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
G major = G,A,B,C,D,E,F.G (do,re,mi,fa,so.,a,si,do) or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
A major = A,B,C#,D,E,F#,G,A (do,re,mi,fa,so.,a,si,do) or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Do not confuse yourself by chords and scale.
Take chords as your rhtym and use scale for your solo.
You can use any scale that u want.
Pentatonic scale as most blues players used.
Hint:- (Arpeggio is 1,3,5,1,3,5 - 5,3,1,5,3,1 of the note that u play.)
The B note is my suggestion and my example to u.

Remember:- To solo, u have to falls on a single note not chords.
But of course, must falls on the right note lah. I mean, when u do your solo, the scale have to falls on the chords that u using.
Here's another example:- If u play on A major, try to start at E note.

Want to try something? Try change your chord from,
E minor to G major 5, A minor, E minor.
If all in major note, i find there's no colour on the structure on the family chord. Just a suggestion, you can give it a try but if you don't like it, just remain on the chord that you are using now.

Another Hint:- Hope that your finger can do the singing.