GUIDE: How to format your classified ads


New member
Ok, so many of you have spent time thinking of what to write for your latest advertisement, taking nice pictures of your gear, and putting more effort into formatting it than your annual work report, only to realise that... it's all plain when you post it! :mad:

All your hard work gone to waste. Every ad looks the same. But it doesn't have to be that way :p

Unfortunately, the standard formatting is not shown in your final ad even though it's there when you edit. So what you need to do is click the little HTML button at the bottom right of the box where you type in the ad description. You should see a popup window with what you typed, but with some added strange code.

Now, find the text that you want to make BOLD. Simply add this HTML tag before the text:
<span style="font-weight:bold;">
and this tag after the text

If you've already used the bold button before you opened this window, look for this:
<strong>your text here</strong>
and replace the <strong> tags with the above two codes.

Either way, your end result should look something like this:
<span style="font-weight:bold;">your text here</span>

Remember, spacing and punctuation are very important inside the tags, and you must have both the starting and ending tag. Also, only type this code in the popup window after you click the HTML button, not inside the "Edit Ad Description" box.

Ok, so... what what else can you do?

<span style="font-style:italic;">your text here</span>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">your text here</span>

To combine bold and underline:
<span style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;">your text here</span>

There are a lot more possibilities with HTML, but please use it with discretion! I'm sure you don't want to see ridiculous multi-coloured ads with giant scrolling text animations all over the place, and we don't want this functionality to be disabled because of irresponsible use.

I hope this guide helps you to make better-looking ads... and sell more gear! :cool:
I duno if anyone will read this, or should I just post on a separate thread.

Regarding posting pictures for your ads, please know that your filesize cannot be too large.
It amuses me when people blames the server "having problems" but not realising they're uploading a few MB/jpg worth of photos!

As a guideline myself, I usually keep my pictures small, 650 x 400 resolution which is small but clear enough to show my stuff. They range from 200kb-300kb.
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