yah boy funk needs to be felt. u need that heavy 1, i use to think my ghost notes all sound damn nice, until i got fucked non stop about playing a "chatterbox" snare pattern. discretion and gd taste vvery important. i mean i feel just learn the syncopation then forget it and it will bleed into ur playing. strangely i've seen alot of drummers that dun play funk and dun listen to it and they get it u know? it's one of those in build things i feel. can be learnt lah just like the swung kinda feel. my lecture on monday covered new orleans music. u guys ever heard of new orlean's 8th notes? i haven't, its like somehwere in the middle of a swung 8th note and a straight 8th note. bands like galatics and the meters play stuff like that very behind the beat and ermm greasy? i not sure how to descirbe it.i tried to emulate the feel but its sounds like crap right now, hopefully when i meet up with u guys i'd have got it down.