Gretsch Guitars in Singapore


New member
Hey i know sweelee sells Gretsch guitars, but do they have Gretsch Penguin? The one that Jack White has:D I'm looking to buy it here if not I'll have to go to the states to get them.


Hi Socker,

I had just returned from US few weeks ago...
Went to various Guitar Centres in search of a Duojet...
None of them has it on display.
Its best to write to them and arrange for the specific Guitar to be brought down to the store.

They do have some Electromatics on display only.

However, there is a Used Gear section...I found a Brian Setzer Nashville and bought it!!!

If you need more info, I can advise...

Cheers to your up and comming Gretsch!!!

you can try ordering one from S.L. but it'll cost you at least SGD$6k++ or more

Guitar Connection at Excelsior hotel has a used black penguin on display... but it wont be cheap

another way is to buy one from an online US retailer and have it shipped here.

here is the approximate price

Shanghai Guitars in Oregon has a reputation for being one of the best online stores for Gretsch guitars. very competitive pricing

do some research on it helps a lot
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hmm, thanks for the replies guys:) Is penguin a rare guitar? Will it be hard for me to get one? I've contacted Brandon and waiting for a reply:D

P.s. how do you contact guitarcentre and ask them to bring in stuff?
P.s.s. I'm not from thailand:(
haha silly me:( yeah brandon replied and he's able to get it:D thanks guys:)

and anyway to try it before i buy it?
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