Greg Bennett Bass/X2N-B


New member
Hey there,

I have this bass that initially I thought I wanna give away...But some of my friends said keep it...

Well its a Samick Greg Bennett Fairlane Series 4 string bass...been using for quite some time and i really like the sound it gives...but i thought i wanna give it away cos its Samick...a brand that is hmm not recognise enough?...though i like the sound...

but again...after a few thoughts...its quality over brand...

So....i'm kinda not sure here...

Hav any of u guys use this bass or know anything about this bass??What do you think of Samick Greg Bennett Fairlane Series 4 string bass??

One more thing....any of u guys use Di Marzio X2N-B pickup before?
Hee hee. You sound like you're trying to justify your bass based on other people's opinions. I used to do that whenever I bought expensive earphones, but no more. If you like it, keep it!

The only thing that probably matters about the brand is its resale price, I guess. Anyone care to give some advice?
If you're comfortable with it and to you, it sounds good, then why not?

But very likely, if you go out there to try other higher end basses, you would probably find them even better in terms of sound/feel/looks. More often then not, the price you pay for a branded bass reflects the quality compared to a "lesser-brand".

That being said, you can get gems from cheap basses (never experienced this myself. Relying on hearsay)
hmm.. if you like the sound it gives, keep it :) i think sound/tone has been talked about a fair bit and its just pretty subjective.

it prob might not fetch too much on the open market, and if you're getting a new bass you might want to try something different instead? that'll give you two tonal options when you play.