Greenbeats Community is Looking for a Volunteer Emcee/Host for Monthly Music Event


New member
The Greenbeats community is looking for EMCEE. preferably Musicians who would be willing to spare their time to volunteer for all music activities that the community will be having in the near future. Our music activities shares an impact to the society, be it a social or environmental cause. Greenbeats have a monthly event that would harness the exposure, talent and creativity of musicians.

If you would like Greenbeats to be a training ground to harness your skills in hosting/emceeing, please contact Beverly at 93274849

We will need a sample video (youtube etc) of your emceeing/hosting skills please send it to

Please do take note that this is a volunteer job for a cause and no salary/remuneration.

We are also looking for musicians who can also contribute for the the following positions as volunteer jobs:

1. Social Media /I.T. Assistant – (Website updating, Facebook updating, IT matters)

2. Marketing Assistant ( assist in promoting and developing more members for the community)

3. Events Assistant (assist in gathering the crowd during events, registration)
4. Photographer/Videographer (assist in photo/video taking)

These positions are for individuals who will enjoy Greenbeats as a hobby and enjoy doing it for envi/social cause
Join our fun and exciting group ;)

Greenbeats is a music community that promotes diverse music and performances to build alliances among musicians working together creatively and achieve common goals of raising awareness for sustainability and social causes.

Greenbeats not only supports musicians in harnessing their musical abilities but also the opportunity to be highly aware of becoming Green by participating in activities that practices the 3Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and of course other Social/Charity Causes that promotes caring for humanity, animal welfare and nature.

For more informations, please find us in the following:
Facebook Group:
Like our Facebook Page:

Beverly MF
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