Grand Finals For(Drum Challenge),(Band Challenge)-2.8.2008 6.30-9.30PM-*SCAPE

Hi All...

Pls read

Latest news...Ben and Jerry can't have a booth this sat...but the rest of the F&B as mentioned will be there!

A Fastest Ice Cream Eating competition is possible! LOL! Stay Tuned!

See you guys!

Alvin, principal of The Music Lab have so kindly agreed to be one of our distinguished judges this saturday at DCA. The other distinguished judges are Jimmy Lee, Mohd Noor and Tony Zee.
Eric: Don't underestimate me!! I can eat a lot one! :P (But I cannot compete for fastest ice cream eating contest although I love ice cream. I prefer eating it slowly. Haha.)

Anyway, we should just do a quick lunch nearby so we don't miss too much of the happenings at the festival!

Boon: Aiyah, so disappointing, no B&J. But it's ok. Actually, I'm a bit tired of B&J anyway. Eat too much of it last year. :P
Sheylara...saw Boon's Post .. our Sifu, Alvin is one of the Judges for The Competition lah...that's great.

PS: - Yeah we should have a quick bite so we dont miss it....We will meet around 2.30pm ok (not 2pm) cause after my work, me will go straight down to Orchard Rd area too (1st visit my Hairstylists - do Straightening of Hair 1st)...then we meet har .... everyone knows I am quite vain one lah....kekeke.

Quite alot of DXS Members will be comming down this Saturday...I just spoke to them....Cheers !
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So many happening things and I can't be there! Have a @#*#!#$&* wedding I have to help out with. *grumbles*
Sheylara: - I'm not Re-Bonding Hair lah - just Iron it staight that's all....must look better abit mah for the occassion.

Mel: - yah, really was looking forward that you can come, but there is also some drummers cannot come (some also help out in wedding also) ...... Hahahaha I was thinking How come the date is fix on the same day lah..

Don't tell me Boon also look for Auspicious Day to hold this Events? .... Kekekeke
Hey everyone, I just spoke to our Bro Myner (Dave) - I talk to him, and he will be taking part in the WFD - For "World Fastest Feet" ... please come and support him and all the other contestants in this Event.

For Fast Hand, eh.hhh can someone contact drummerbuah (if I recall, this guy got fast-hands lah).

Cheers !
some pics to share


more here:

Hey, it was great to meet some familiar faces yesterday at the scape. Lynette (Lynette what's your nick ah?) was busy. I met Eric and Lee and some new faces, Perplex (sorry what's your name dude?) and the lady whom is with Eric. Let's get this SOFT drum going....Oh by the way I'm back :)
I think I've lost like 5kgs of sweat that day.

I'm very touched by the drummers and the bands. And we might have a new Thomas Lang. :mrgreen: That kid from Sabah made me cry. He emits so much joy, fun and passion when he plays.
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Yup... my precious Sabians (10" AA Metal-X splash, 13" HH Fusion Hi-hats, 16" AA Thin Crash, 17" AAX Stage Crash and 21" AA Dry Ride) were loan out for the day at the request from Boon. Not really 'ouch' with these series as they can take the wacking. Definitely 'ouch' if the HH Sound Control series were used.
This event was great and I love it, and had to admit (not many drummers were around in this event), familiar faces sad to say.

I minute to do a Single-Stroke, or do a doublpedal is really no-joke and it was a great experience.........

Alvin (my Sifu) was there "Trying out the "Single-Stroke" on WFD for fun - guess how fast he can go?

Jimmy Lee Try out his "Single-Stroke" on the WFD too for fun sake

Brandon was there too - trying out his Double-Pedal on WFD for fun of it - also guess how fast he can go in 60 seconds...

SO, I figure out WFD is totally different from as in real playing - but it was really fun, I had a good time too and my legs were really tired (on my 3rd tryout - I stop at 30seconds, no strength liao hahahaha).

The sound system at *Scape was really so much better than Scape Park as I went there to support our Kaki-Nan singing there.....

and.............I bought 2 DrumFest Tees (a White and a Black)....

PS: - Dear Bro MassagePalour - will you be buying me a Beer the next time we meet Kekekeke ! (or do you want me to tell her har - I guess you know what I mean here hor? our little secret psssssssssshhhhh - Beer go in my throat - I forgot everything you say liao hahahahaha ) ... well this daylight outright Extortion I guess they call it..Whahahahahaha !
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Wah liao eh Eric. :) Ok ok, don't tell anyone especially that person I comment earlier when we met. But it's the truth right? You can see with your own eyes the contrast. I can buy you a beer to keep you quiet :) But I'll need to buy a rose for her if you tell that person the truth and if my Gf know, she will not communicate for quite some time and that will be an issue.

But that person is really nice lor. Ok Ok we keep it a secret. You know la sometime "they" always very sensitive one, LOL. Later I got a kick on my butt. Ok ok Root Beer for you once we meet again. :)

Oh ya the Axis pedal is superbly smooth and ya the 1st try was fun, but the 2nd try was hell. I stopped 20 secs in, panting. I guess I'm old. I'll down the drumometer this Wednesday at Drum Resources.

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