Goth/glam/hard rockers for 30th october showcase


New member
Any hard rock, glam rock or goth rock bands interested to play in a pre-Halloween gig at Fourtones, 8-10PM? Already got an almost full line-up. Looking for some bands to add variety.

Just PM this user, if interested.


No ticket sales at the door. Only pre-show ticket sales.

You are so damn curious whether this is pay to play, right? Read on... carefully.

Three options to choose from:

Option 1: Come down and play. After that go home. No need to pay anything. No need to get paid too. Your fans will have to order and get tickets directly from me FEW DAYS BEFORE THE SHOW. Fair?

If not, choose Option 2: Your legion of fans want to watch you perform. If you have a legion of 50 fans, help me sell tickets to 50 people. If you have a legion of 10 fans, help me sell tickets to 10 people. If you have a legion of 1 hardcore fan only, help me sell 1 ticket to that die-hard fan of yours. For every ticket you help me sell, you get half the revenue. Example, if you sell 5 tickets at $6 each, from the revenue of $30, you take $15, I take $15. No minimum or maximum number of tickets need to be sold.

Why must bands sell tickets? Because I don't have enough cash to pay foreign talent to help me manage ticketing counter on that day itself. Also if you watch big concerts, the organizers always encourage you to buy pre-show tickets, right?

If Option 2 is not fair to you, then you can choose Option 3: You see that your band will be as big as Green Day, Bon Jovi or Metallica, so playing shows at small venues is not your kind of thing, even for a start. What more, since I ask bands to help me sell tickets, I make your band feel like SAI KANG WARRIORS. OK, your band has the right to feel that way. So I will suggest that your band try very hard to get considered for Baybeats Audition.

OK, phew! So much for trying to explain to people that I'm not trying to rip anyone off. Anyway, any goth/glam/hard rock bands interested? Please PM this user.
By the way for Option 1, the money gained from the ticket sales will be used first to cover costs and if there's excess, will be distributed evenly among myself and the other bands who choose Option 2.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
Interested versatile band with originals...

Intrested me
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