Google Video Upload Program (Beta)


New member
Hi all,

I've just uploaded a video clip onto Google's video upload program.

Its in beta stage though the final product should allow people to post their videos for others to view FOC or Pay-Per-View.

I've copied some of their terms as follows:

What is Google Video?

Our mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Currently, Google Video lets you search a growing archive of televised content -- everything from sports events to dinosaur documentaries to news programs. In addition to televised content, we're now accepting video from anyone who wants to upload content to us. Uploaded content will not be immediately available to users searching Google Video as this is just the submission stage of the program. But (if you'll pardon the pun) stay tuned.

What is the Google Video upload program?

The upload program lets you submit videos electronically to Google Video, as long as you own the necessary rights (including copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and any other relevant rights for your content). Just sign up for an account and use our upload tool to send your videos to Google. The program is still in beta so you won't see your videos live on Google Video immediately.

To make sure that your video is submitted properly, please read below about preferred file formats and our approval process. Videos may not go live if they're not approved or if we're unable to accept the format.

When will my videos be on Google Video?

We're still in the first phase of the upload program. Once we approve your video submission and enter the next phase, we'll send you an email (to the email address you provide) to let you know that we're ready to add your content to Google Video. Users will then be able to search, preview, purchase, and play your video.

At any time after you upload your video to Google, you'll have the opportunity to add more videos, update the information about each video, or remove your video from the program. The content may be reviewed by Google prior to being made available online. You can rest assured, however, that we'll notify you if we cannot use the content you submit

What types of videos are you accepting?

We accept any type of video content, with these restrictions:
You must own all necessary rights to the content, including copyrights to both the video and the audio.
You must be able to upload the video to us electronically.
The video must not contain pornographic or obscene material.

The content may be reviewed prior to being made available online. If we cannot use it, we'll let you know.

Will users be able to play my videos?

At this time, we're only collecting videos for potential inclusion in the program. When we enter the next phase, users will be able to search, preview, purchase, and play your video – depending on your preferences. In order to promote your video to users, every video on Google Video will allow users to see a quick preview. When we're ready to distribute your video on Google Video, we'll notify you.

If you assign a price to your video or submit a video in an undesirable file format, it may take longer for your video to be included on Google Video. In some cases, we may not be able to publish your video on Google Video if it's in a different format. Please review our preferred file formats

You can keep up to date on the status of the program by visiting the Google Video Upload page. From this page, you can sign in to your account to keep track of your video status.

What will Google do with my video?

After you submit your video to Google Video, we may review it as a part of our approval process. When we're ready to move to the next phase of the program and begin including your videos in Google Video, we'll notify you (at the email address you provide).

At any time, you have the opportunity to add more videos, update the information about each video, or remove your video from the program Please note that each time you update your information, it may be re-reviewed, which could delay the time it's published.

Can I charge for playback of my video?

Yes. Or you can allow users to play your video for free. This is totally up to you and your video distribution goals. As the content owner, you decide whether you'd like to give away your video for free or charge a price that you set for it. If you do charge a price, Google will take a small revenue share to cover some of our costs. If our costs to play your video on Google are extraordinary, we may charge users a fee (if you've specified zero as the price for your video) or take a larger revenue share of the price (if you've set a price greater than zero for your video) to cover some of these costs. For example, if you upload a high definition file that's 500 MB and it becomes extremely popular, we might charge users a fee instead of giving it to them for free or ask you for a higher percentage of the revenue from the price of the video. Please be assured, however, that we'll let you know before we add a price or charge a higher revenue share for your video.

How is my content protected?

Google takes the security of your content very seriously. We've put a number of measures in place to prevent copying or sharing of your content. For more information on our copyright policies and procedures, please read the Copyright section of this FAQ.
interesting, please let us know when your video is accessible. i wonder how they actually scan through so many hours of video for censorship?

Super thanks to the Black Isle Studio people, Joshua and Sean. SOFTies purplehaze3691 and Satch.

Lots of lights, sweat and hours.....