Good beginner songs for electric guitar

Cuz, alot of noobs butcher those songs like everyday and the shop owners are probably sick of hearing it. Oso, u dun wanna embarass urself rite?

Few guidelines when visiting guitar shops:

try not to act like a noob cuz if u act all pro and stuff, usually the sales ppl will treat u nicer

dun anyhow touch stuff without asking

dun play too loud if other ppl are testing stuff oso

dun listen to the sales ppl without researching the stuff urself

feel free to add on
i will play my masterpiece then...appregios from hell..not...anyways...thanks man for the i'll make sure they treat me nicely when i go to their shops!
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try blink-182 songs dude...their much easier.most punk songs are..
for my 1st song, i learnt Master Of Puppets-Metallica. minus the last solos. my fren was the one that forced me to learn..haha and i thank him!!

haha oh man same for me here. master of puppets was ( and still is ) my favourite song.
i even play it on my acoustic before i had my electric. hahah. play and play also still cannot get it right.
dude, when u start, don't care what the anti-mainstream people say. just PLAY MAINSTREAM SONGS. everyone has got to start somewhere. i started off with my own classical guitar, and the first song i had tried was the calling, wherever you go (was it wherever or whenever?) i am not embarrased about that, because i had to start somewhere. once your basics kick in, that's where u slowly progress upwards and play more difficult songs. for me after that gay song i said before this, i tried Master of Puppets, on the classical guitar. lol that was tough, but i had friends helping me and that makes things alot better. get a few friends who play moderately well to help u out. All the best mate.
Forgot the Songs!

Can try these few:
1. ACDC - Highway to Hell, TNT, Back In Black (some basic hammer-ons and pull-offs)
2. Metallica - Seek and Destroy, Fade To Black, Enter Sandman
3. Blink 182 (lol really it helps your palm muting) - Dammit, All The Small Things and try more of their songs lah, they really helped me Palm mute well and tightly

well it really depends on what u listen to actually. :)
chapter four -avenged sevenfold
The Arrival of Satan´s Empire-Dark Funeral

lol ignore the last part
Nice to see blink-182 as a few starter songs since I'm their fan and I played their song first. But, is there songs where I can practice all my chords? I don't want to stick to playing Power Chord.
blink182-dammit, don't leave me, going away to college, aliens exist, all the small things
greenday-american idiot, wake me up when september ends, basketcase, brainstew
paramore-hallelujah, pressure
ramones-blitzkrieg bop
the red jupsuit apparatus-face down
anberlin-a day late
avenged sevenfold-unholy confessions
randy rhoads/ozzy osbourne-crazy train
foo fighters-everlong
and the list goes on...
Generally, Power Chords are easy to play, for me this noobie...

Eye of the Tiger...
American Idiot...

Only problem... Wrist cramps...
Is there any way to grip Power Chords, I've tried using my thumb to press the Root Note...

Pardon me for my short fingers...
watever u do, just dont play the following songs at guitar shops:

smells like teen spirit
stairway to heaven
knocking on heavens door
Master of puppets
sweet child o mine
smoke on the water
enter sandman

LOLLLLLLL youre right i hear those all the time at shops
Just practice these few first la.

fade to black- metallica
always somewhere}
Still loving you} Scorpion
Holiday }
blink182-dammit, don't leave me, going away to college, aliens exist, all the small things
greenday-american idiot, wake me up when september ends, basketcase, brainstew
paramore-hallelujah, pressure
ramones-blitzkrieg bop
the red jupsuit apparatus-face down
anberlin-a day late
avenged sevenfold-unholy confessions
randy rhoads/ozzy osbourne-crazy train
foo fighters-everlong
and the list goes on...

wow i can play the aforementioned with my eyes closed!hehehe.