ghs fastfret


New member
i dun know whether it is just me or wht. but i find that after applying layer and layer of ghs fastfret on the strings and fretboard, the feel of the fretboard seems different.

it appears that the fretboard is "waxy". doesnt feels right. btw, my fretboard is rosewood.

so i m changing strings cleaner soon. any recommendations?
dunlop :) cheap and good. only thing is when u rub it on the strings it makes a very high pitch "eeeeeeeeK" sound which can be quite painful to the ears
used fast fret and i hated it..

its more of a bane than anything makes my strings feel grimy and tacky.

so its been stashed away in some forsaken corner of my shelf.
Huh? I use FastFret too.. I dont feel anything? lol..I though it will be durable? Or maybe different people different preference?
fastfret cleans the strings, a little of the fretboard and frets. it prolongs the string life by quite a fair bit. it is non fluid-based, so no spillage. just apply using the applicator. so convenient. i thought...

i was so happy that there is such a thing as fastfret, which makes guitarists' lives easier. but somehow, after a few uses, the fretboard felt a little waxy, a little grimy, a little sticky after a while. i thought it was becoz of my sweaty palm, but was it? i dun think sweat can make the fretboard waxy, right?

now i m trying to clean my fretboard to remove the waxy feeling.

meanwhile, any recommendations for string cleaners?
dont really reccomend string cleaners... like they said... they will produce a EEEKKKK sound when u slide through the strings.. the string will have a waxy layer although it feels smooth but it produce tat irritating noise veri often and its quite unavoidable... to best is to change strings regularly... i do own one.. but i only use them on my seldom used guitar...
the Fast Fret indeed leaves a waxy residue, the reason i stopped using it (not that it's bad, it gets in the way of feel + residue lodges into rosewood pores...).

im using it and its a breeze to use and i think its effective.and i think the reason theres the eek sound is that the ghs fast fret is actually removing any dirt and rust thats on the strings.and it actually leaves some waxy residue to actually make your playing fast.
the waxy feel seems to affect string bending, kinda like when i try to bend a full note up, but then ganna stuck. and then i gotta this momentarily funny feeling that i get when u rub 2 pieces of metal together, and produces the 'eeek' sound. kinda annoying. whateva the case is, it is not a good feeling. it appears that some softies actually feel the same abt the fastfret. guess i should stop using fast fret.

the Fast Fret indeed leaves a waxy residue, the reason i stopped using it (not that it's bad, it gets in the way of feel + residue lodges into rosewood pores...).

bro sub, i m kinda concern when u say that the fastfret leaves sorta residue in the rosewood pores. now, i m getting worried abt whether the residue can be removed from my fretboard or not, coz i m using rosewood fretboard.
subversion said:
my playing got faster without the fast fret...
i do agree with this... cleaner too :)!!!

w/o fastfret, actually improves playing and makes strings cleaner? kinda interesting to hear that. i thought fastfret is supposed to clean strings and fretboard?

anyway, would anyone recommend the jim dunlop string cleaners?
w/o fastfret, actually improves playing and makes strings cleaner? kinda interesting to hear that. i thought fastfret is supposed to clean strings and fretboard?

anyway, would anyone recommend the jim dunlop string cleaners?

opps... eh was saying... the sound as in no eeekking screeching sound... not clean as in the strings being clean.. haha...
ooopsss, sorrie sorrie. my bad~! haha

but then again, anyone recommends jim dunlop string cleaners, no?
Fast fret sucks. It really gives a greasy feeling after use. Kinda yucky actually.
Like everyone mentioned.
I just use a dry cloth to wipe the strings after each practice and change 'em strings every month.

( I thin string cleaners are just gimmicks. hah.)
w/o fastfret, actually improves playing and makes strings cleaner? kinda interesting to hear that. i thought fastfret is supposed to clean strings and fretboard?

anyway, would anyone recommend the jim dunlop string cleaners?

caution: the Fast Fret must NOT be applied on the fretboard.

playing speed isn't about having string lubricants to propel one's capacity; it's about the discipline to improve. if you benefit from the FF, good for you. there are others, through personal encounters, who find the FF unbeneficial.
fastfret must not be applied on fretboard.

i didnt purposely apply ff on the fretboard, but it will somehow touch the fretboard when u apply slight pressure against the strings during cleaning, no? sometimes cannot help that it gets in contact with the fretboard. now that i know it MUST not be applied on fretboard, i guess i m staying clear of it.

but still nobody recommends the jimdunlop string cleaners?
i'd recommend any liquid string cleaning fluid; these are alcohol based, you need not worry if the residue would come into contact with the fret board.