GHS Boomers


New member
Can anybody comment on these strings? Ive been thinking of switching string brands. right now im using the prs strings from davis.
These strings rock for the price... And from what I gather, the strings have more TWANG to it. Anyway, its much more worth than the Ernie Ball strings, Lasts longer too =). Better than the D'Addarios any day. Imo.
my faves are still Everly B-52 Bombers, but these aren't bad. they're about on par for what cheap, standard strings should be. to put this in perspective, i'd rate Ernie Balls as substandard, DR strings as above standard, and D'Addarios as being in the same quality range as Boomers.
i prefer dean markley(correct spelling)? signature strings i've ever used ever since my teacher intro'd to me. imo it beats the 18 dollar dr coloured strings(what i hate about them is that the parts where the string scraps against the fretwire when you bend takes away the coating exposing those areas and causing rust to specifically attack those vulnerable areas).
I'm using the GHS sub zero strings on my guitars. String life, i find is relatively longer than others, provided you take care of them, wiping down after play etc. Very good strings imo.
Hmmm... I don't have high regard for GHS. I find that with their strings, there's spots of rust on their treble strings.. Used them for a period of a couple of mths and every pack has some rust somewhere.

And really... they aren't bang for buck IMO...

DR Strings rock harder... in terms of quality, longevity and overall tone. Only $7.50 a pack.
GHS- have them specifically in some of my guitars (specifically in 4 of my Ibanez). have no rust experience with fresh sets thus far. great overall performance- recommended.

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