Ghost notes.

Its a passing note, a very fast passing note.

Think of it as you pick a note (ghost note) then you immediately hammer-on/pull-off/slide to another note. So that 1st note, is a ghost note, a very fast passing note.
if i'm not wrong, ghost notes are usually denoted similar to say ::


where u kinda "slide" very quickly from 16 to 17, giving the "impression" that 16 was played just b4 17. maybe for description's sake 16 = 1/4 second, 17 = full second, kinda thing. its sometimes noticeable, adds colour to the playing. let ring on the other hand is to hit the string and hold, again if im not wrong.
A ghost note is a note that is non existence .... but with it's presence actually suggested.

Example ... you play an A maj scale decending in eighth notes ... omit say the C# but you leave a space for it ... you dun play the C# but it is suggested by the melodic pattern you are playing.

Ok, it was a lame example ... but Ghost notes are used more in genres like Jazz .... when you suggest a Chromatic passing note or a tension note (b13 or b5 maybe?) while playing a medodic pattern .... because the note is EXPECTED to be there .... hence when you dun play it .. it is inadventently SUGGESTED ... get it? :)