getting kicked out

if we dont fall, we dont learn no?

nothing wrong with getting kicked from a band, if anything it should inspire you to constantly improve. after all, we never ARE good enough.
i got booted from one band cuz i was playing bass. n i am in no way a bassist. n that time i didnt know the definition of 'beat'. they were despo for a bass player n i offered 'help'. i knew they werent gonna keep me for long. then gradually i stopped getting contacts form them...
now lets not turn this into a flaming thread shall we?

anyway i dun think aquanuts was flaming the malay race, he was just pissed off at that particular band and what they did to him

i almost got cheated at lucky plaza once when buying sth, till now im still weary of all the shops there, although many of them might be honest business man, if u get my analogy, probably how aquanuts feels
Discuss racial matters on a forum? Not the best thing to do la. But on that note, if anybody forms cliques easily, I don't think race is an issue. Look around and its obvious. There are people who mix around and speak Singlish more often instead of their mother-tongue, and others who don't.

Lucky for me, since I mix around, both my bands are multi-racial and quite harmonious! I lub dem!
i got kicked out of the first two bands I played in- i tried to join the first, and i put together the second.

they were experiences i learnt alot from that have made me a better musician and person.

It's alot about your interpersonal relationships and knowing and learning how to work in a group.
3 notes a bar & nsyk - valid points .... some ppl NEVER, EVER learn I guess...
aqauanaut - so u think u know me is it? Up yours ...u know really know me at all!

who is this basher? some person named sam-seng?
i think its just another kid trying to be someone else hiding behind his nick. harmless i say.
well i hve been here long enough and read almost every post, negative or positive and what about your very own HAYDEN who used racial slurs like yahudi and threatened to uleash a hired killer on some sorry person, that LUCIFERSATAN who tries to be the sage of the drummers here but also challeneged to swing someone at a pub and that DRUMMERIGHT who is drummer-ing wrong, really.
why are these fellas still posting actively on the forums? don't they get a reprimand?
i am thinking now that the people running this do not understand what they are reading or sinmply biased.

whre is the big mouth stevarddass?

at least I dont hide behind some crap nick!
I was kicked out from my very first band HAHA.

that was 5 years ago?

Wah, was kicked out caused theres one drummer who is more handsome than me.. AHHAHAHAH!!

THinking back, are they gay? yulks...... Well, now the band no more. :)

I saw how that fella drums. :) hahaha, BAD BAD!

Hes not local guy btw.

to anyone out there, please if wanna kick some1 out, please have a GOOD reason.. :)

look at it this way-

there's no point staying in a band that makes stupid decisions, so if they kick you out without proper reason, you're probably better off without them anyway.
I kick myself out most of the time because I can't click with the attitudes of others or can't feel the music.. It's not them really, I'm a bit sociophobic and broke for jams :P Damn sad right lol, that's just me lah. So i'm saving the band a good deal of headaches :P

It's a shitty feeling getting kicked out, but being in a band requires that trust that gels everyone together.. If that ain't happening then sadly they have to go, whether what breaks that bonds are a clash of attitudes or something.. A lot of reasons and it's important to have the privilege to know why they're booted out.

Some people who aren't really good at social activities find it harder to keep themselves in the band, trying to get into the gel of the band but have nothing to assist save for good musicianship and commitment, and thankfully, some bands are alright with that and the bonds develop as they grow along.

But to get kicked out because of racial is just crap lah. Unless the band generally thinks that a background in the music's culture is a priority. Or the band prefers holding band meetings in non-English or something.
fgl > I thought that was a very considerate and respectable move, to not hog the slot and allow for instances of the band to get tight musically. Quite a rare sight to see musicians humble down like that.
Not sure what aquanut is getting at, I don't understand his/her argument at all. :| Anyway..

I think it's good to give reasons as to why they're given the boot, so that they can improve on themselves or understand if certain things clash. Doesn't help that the member has to lose a band and then pick and think on him/herself to blame when it isn't his/her fault most of the time..
thanx sage - infidels who dont believe me (like aquanaut) can go down to Cuba Libre Club & ask the band leader Antonio or the bassist I gave the slot to Manuel. :twisted:

As a band leader & frontmen, we sometimes have to make hard decisions for the good of the band according to the big picture. Of course I work in the day so $$$ is not an issue but I left despite enjoying playing the Latino stuff & especially playing bass. Same as my decison to "relax one corner Syne of Tyme" and start from the top with retro groove. We all certainly do enjoy each other's company now in my new band.

Antonio didnt want me to leave & especially didnt want to lose my friendship - I assured him I would "help" if he ever needed me (like the previous Monday).
sth similar to this shit just happened to my band... now i noe how it feels

right before dateline for registration for a competition, i found out that my rhythm guitarist and drummer were running off to join another band, without even telling me and my bassist about it