Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 or Markbass LMIII


New member
I'm trying to decide between these two amps and it's really giving me a headache.

I quite like the tones on both of this, and the difference between the prices is negligible (the LMIII is $100 more expensive). No matter which head I get, I'll be running them through the Hartke AK115.

It'll mostly be used for home practice and small gigs with <300 people.

Any opinions on which head I should go with?

I mostly play blues-rock and some pop-rock.
IMO both are good amps. If i were to get LM3 i would prefer getting the tube one.. much pricey but more options.
wow u didnt give us much time did u... both amps are superb. in the end its down to personal preference. markbass has fixed voltage.
I agree it's down to personal preference. What appealed to me was that the Shuttle 6 was very versatile and with the right knob-tweaking and deaf neighbours, I could really drive my bass.