Genesis reunites!!!

oh,i know the reason why they keep their silence..
It's the first time they heard "genensis" that we ever try.

Most people listen to "stray dogs" genre,brother!
Yea..Genesis is a great band in 2 different eras n the other similar band tat I can think of is Chicago..the singers from these bands have successful solo careers..: )
There is a lot of Genesis fans here in Singapore , but I guese most of them have seen so many great bands reform and spilt up again , so it is nothing new anymore.
Dont be disappointed la bro, Soft doesnt represent all of singapore's genesis fans and all musicians.Some people never log into soft even though they are registered as softee.
Relak ah..
YEAH ...


throwing it all away

in too deep


I cant dance...

but I think their individual solo careers are in the doldrums hence the reunion....

Im not complaining though, as long as the next release is better than the crap new WHO album Wire & Glass...