genelec vs krk


New member
hi there anyone can help me.
whats the different between genelec 8050 n krk monitor.
which one is good?

i need monitor for studio recording n mixing.
which KRK are you talking about?

I am using both the KRK V8s and genelec 1037 and 1032
personally, i find the genelec to be more honest and truthful and the KRK to be pleasant but coloured. Although it is not totally transparentm the KRK has a nice tone and can still be used to achieve a decent mix.

But when mastering, I will always rely on the genelecs

I have not heard the 8050 in detail but in PALA and broadcast asia. Personally, i didn't like it. Perfer the KRK V8s. Just my personal opinion.

My school has a pair of genelec monitors ..and .. honestly .. i think they are the budget kinds ... they really don't do the job too well.

I'm figuring either the positioning is wrong or the cones are just spoilt. The highs are accentuated and the low response is quite bad.

I think i would rather go for stuff like Yamaha or Alesis monitors ..
I have the Alesis Monitor Ones(1st Versions). The woffer lacks the low end, but produces them accurately.
The KrKs were popular a few years ago. Never heard them, only the people raving about them.

The Genelec from NP's FSV Studio, the lows sound artificial & flat for the lower ranged model,
For the 100K super duper sized version, its sounds amazing. It's a joy to mix on those.
Damn, miss my poly days.
Now comes the big bomb, if you buy the best speakers ard, and you're room does not suit it, good luck. So get the speakers that suit your room's acoustics, or spend money post-treating it.

actually you are right. The smaller near field genelecs lacks punch at the low end. That is because it does not have subs man. However, they are totally transparent. When used with the sony dash tape, everything comes out...You can hear every silly mistake and every audio problem. (at least when i am there that was how it sounds)

ACtually, come to think of it, isn't that the whole purpose of it? To have the nice huge genelecs to mix with and check it with the near fields (which is what most consumer will play it back on anyway) . except this is actually a very expensive and good near field which is in no way consumer.

KRK Vx is very good ```

but I prefer to dynaudio BM6A``

genelec also good but it is expensive ```

SONY V6 headphone like BM6A, saied Bob L``
Genelecs are accurate. Makes you hear everything clearly, which is the point. KRKs are not as accurate but very good for the price and does the job well.
i owned 8050 before, its big and really good monitor. it's really big improvement over 1030-1031 series. genelec was known for monitor for A&R guy who listened mixed material. it's for sweet listening. but then they change their product with 80series..whoa..big improvement. I tried adam but only P11-P22 and S3.3.A they're nice with ribbon thingy..for mixing you can go wrong. some people do master on S3.3A

BUT..if you have the money..go with FOCAL or Klein and hUmmel stuff. they're pricey but worth every euro..been listening those monitorr..nice..but I don't do record anymore..

If you want to go mixing and mastering..try Barefoot sound..for 12K a pair..they are new secret weapon..

but mixing is not all about monitor, how you record, signal chain and the most important..the player..yes player must play really well so engineer can mix their song and their track sits within their mix easily..
'Ribbon thingy' :D

I am using a pair of S2.5As and they are sweeeeeeeeet....

The highs are smooth and without the harshness of traditional dome tweeters.

If you have the dough the S3As are THE midfields to get if you're doing stuff like jazz and classical in a bigger size rooms.

Like Sound on Sound said in their review ,

If you're serious about mixing, you owe it to yourself to go down and listen to the Adams.
adam singapore has it's showroom if i recall..a guy name dindae run the adam asia..find his contact at adam audio website and call him to arrange demo?...
its at boardcast something de i got the number

its 62251661.
they bring in AKG mics luh and Tascam interfaces ADAM monitors too.

but be warned ADAM monitors dont come cheap.

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