fuzz pedal


New member
anybody know any good fuzz pedals?

i know of zvex woolly mammoth and.... um...T-rex bass fuzz

but the woolly mammoth is to expensive and i have to work for a whole month just to buy it

and i havent seena Trex yet...
soi'm looking for a good fuzz pedal
yea, got the big muff and the odb3 too. turning both on together will give a cheap buzzy distortion/fuzz sound

but with the bm, i rarely use my odb3
that's the point of a muff isn't it ;) kill the rest of the pedals, i think one of the more sensible things to pair it with is a synth or delay. i could be wrong though.
how many of you use fuzz during gigs? I got experiences with sound man who cut me off from the monitors after i turn on my fuzz haha...
aint that ^ a problem in this country .... :roll:

i was turned off ...yes 'off' at a gig for doin noisy stuff ...it was a true muff tone tho :lol:
why not just tell the soundman you're using a fuzz for your set?

ooooh, no one's mentioned blueark's bass fuzz =)
i use a little big muff pi by electro harmonix

really a good stomp for how much i bought it for...worth every cent!
can adjust to give you that out-of-control sound apocalyptic sound or that squeeze sound like the time is running out bass
I am using a Kimjaw Rutt for my fuzz tone.... gives me a ver y big tone...

it is possible that the "cut out of the monitors" is actually due to the fuzz over compressing your highs and thus making your bass drop out of the mix even when its actually damn ass loud.... i also have this problem so i tend to only use the fuzz a lot if i have an 8x10 amp to blast thro (which is quite rare)...
I'm currently using a Zvex Woolly Mammoth and a EHX Little Big muff. Both are highly rated fuzz pedals for bass, but are very different sounding. The Mammoth sounds tighter and has more aggressive tone in the high frequencies. Because its has a gate function, its possible to eliminate playing dynamics and just have fuzz or nothing. The LB muff sounds 'bigger' and more organic, unlike the buzzsaw tone of the Mammoth. I use both pedals separately to cover songs like Hysteria, Time is Running Out, Somebody Told Me, Song 2, Come as you are, Shout etc...

I also recently got a Prunes and Custard from JudeWee. Very nice pedal, and fuzz-like. To my ears its pretty much like a distortion + filter in-one. Very dirty and funky!

I'd recommend the LB muff like the others before me. Its the best value for that sound you'd probably want.
ooooh, no one's mentioned blueark's bass fuzz =)

I think I was one of the first to try it out.

Very versatile due to the 3 way toggle, giving you three different voicings.

The fuzz voicing is "open", like the kind you get in old school fuzz pedals. But it lacked definition, like the furry noise was riding over the dry signal instead of integrating with it. Like I told ark, it seemed a bit too "loose" 8O

I would say go for the Little Big Muff or US Big Muff, or if you can still find one, the green Russian Big Muff. :P