Funeral For A Friend


New member
"Tales Don't Tell Themselves" is what the band has offered to the world lately... And i guess most emos who consider FFAF emos would be disappointed with the allbum... For my case, I never considered them an emo band and even if they were, they are one band that should be respected. If you listen to every single album from their discography, you will realise that release after release, their music has change. From "Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation" to "Hour", a sharp ear could tell where the band is heading to. And listen to "Hours" and " Tales Don't Tell Themselves", you realised that it's getting more and more melodic. The typical emo screams are gone... It becomes more instrumental... Orchestral comes in, violins... Uniquely Funeral For A Friend. A band that's willing to get out of their comfort zone and explore music in a different direction. Check it out...
as a fan from the 1st album,i personally prefer casually dressed&deep in conversation,however,i still find the new album growing on may be softer,less scream,but its still a solid one.
and im sure tales dont tell themselves will make some original fans disappointed however it shows their maturer side to me.

look forward to their concert in sept!totally cant wait!