Fs - yamaha motif xf6 white brand new condition


New member
Beautiful white motif xf6 in brand new condition

$2.9 or trade with kronos x or xf7 or equivalent

96714402 for details
Maybe the seller meant, the black XF7 version which might be older should someone want to swap. Should give him / her the benefit of doubt. The white was special edition which is no longer available.. Yamaha cleared it with amazing prices recently. Kronos 2 is way more expensive. Maybe the seller might top up. :))
@microboy - Don't buy, don't disturb. I'm sure any genuine buyer will contact and negotiate with the seller. If you are interested and need clarification on doubts, contact the buyer then. His contact is there, isn't it?
Ha ha thanks silverbeast.
Obviously we're all mature logical adults here.
I'll be happy to top up for the or the KroXF7Kronos2 if someone has the KronosX, there's room for discussion.
Rightly put, just contact the seller i.e. me, and there can be a meaningful discussion in private. :)

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