Frank Gambale: Raison D'etre



fusion fans would welcome this new release from the sweep maestro. i was enthusiastic but the overall guitar tone could have been better. there isn't as much sweep showcase here simply because Mr. Gambale has moved on to embrace fine melody. there are lots of plush chords here & clean tones to boot. however, the guitars in this release are sometimes overshadowed by Ric Fabriacci's absolutely fine (sometimes fretless) bass works.

i'm bent on dismissing Gambale's Yamaha as an attributable cause for the rather synthetic tone here. gone are the expansive Ibanez tones but Gambale did well to remind me that it's not exclusive. he basically had a gear revision, the Carvin pre-amp is a new inclusion in his tone arsenal & that would play a part as well.

an overall relaxing/ entertaining release but i enjoyed the previous effort (Coming to Your Senses) better.

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