hey...thanks ya'll.
i got myself a great great deal, and yeah, i do love it. The build and quality seems good when you try it at the shop, but when you bring it home and play more with it, it just grows.
it is really comparable to a few of the top-notch mass made branded stuff out there. in fact, look at the current batch of owners, who bought it not to just give face to g77, but more as a testament to the quality of these guitars.
its worth more than 830 bucks. Way more.
so if you want a quality guitar to keep, save up, invest in one. the POT is one for those who goes for quality over the brand.
my views here don't reflect that of G77's, and nor do am I endorsed by POT (even though I'd love to...another free guitar? hehehe...) and my employment status did not require me to do this as well. I'm just doing this, as a favor and to raise awareness of more good guitars around in Singapore.
For this piece of beauty, the quality finish and build, you pay less for a lesser-known brand, but at least you know that you, the builders and the sellers know well what you get.
and these type of stuff deserve the praise that they get. nice ppl over at G77. Cheers...i'll go back to playing the guitar....ciaoooo