Forming a Pop Punk Band


New member
Hey guyz!Me and my bud,AJ Seven are teenage dudes(16 years old).We are forming a pop punk band..We are finding a Female Pop Punk vocalist,a male Rhythm Guitarist and a male/female bassist..the age should roughly be around 14-19...Our most notably pop punk influences are The Story So Far,All Time Low,A Day To Remember,We Are The In Crowd,Fall Out Boys,New Found Glory,Paramore,Green Day,Chunk!No Captain Chunk and Blink-182 etc. :) We also love some Japanese pop punk/pop rock band..

Me(Lead Guitarist,2nd vocalist)
AJ Seven(Drummer)

Audition:Quicksand by The Story So Far,Theraphy by All Time Low and Rumor Mill by We Are The In Crowd

main genre:Pop Punk(Easycore)
sub genres:Punk rock,pop rock,alternative rock,indie rock,power pop,garage rock,rock and melodic hardcore(no screamo)

We would love to have gigs and recordings(originals and covers)

PM me if interested :D
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