Forming a new pop/rock band


New member
A little about myself first. Name's Brandon, have been singing for about more than a year now, used to take vocal lessons with a SLS teacher called Benjamin Eio (he's awesome by the way, do check him out if you guys are interested in vocal lessons). Am currently in training with SG Events Hub to be an events singer. Done a couple of small gigs before, so performance experience might be a little lacking, hope that doesn't put you guys off. Main influences are One Republic, Imagine Dragons and Sam Smith. I listen to a fair amount of Muse too. I listen to some jrock too but I can't read japanese so... lol.

I've been in and out of a couple of bands, but none of them have worked out very well. Therefore, I decided to try and form my own band. I'm looking at a 4-5 piece band, so preferably I'll need a drummer, guitarist and bassist to join me. Keyboardists are welcome too.

I do intend to take this band as far as I possibly can. With that being said, we'll definitely be doing originals after we've settled down a little. For starters, we'll probably do some covers and stuff.

If you're interested to join me on this journey, do contact me via SMS/whatsapp at 94873847. I stay at the west, but I don't really mind where you stay as long as you don't mind too. Hope to hear from you guys!