Forming a Japanese Pop Band


New member
Hey Guys/Gals, Im planing to create a new Band(Japanese Pop/Jpop) band to cover songs like K-ON!, Yui, Younha, Scandal and many more..

Recruited a Female Vox, A Rhythm Guitarist and a bassist.. Now I need is a drummer..
If you are interested, do SMS me 96739496 ya. No worries, I have loads of experience in gigs AND been in many interesting bands =).. So the first step is always scary and fun ^_^...

Will plan out a Jamming Date for trial =)..
Arigatou Minnah for reading this =)
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hi, i'm interested but very noob in guitar.
And had to sit down and play guitar, cant stand up play...
Can i join?
Heya, I'm interested in joining this project =O. I can do guitar and bass, but i'm more experienced at bass. Could you please tell me your plans for jamming and the band? Also, i'm going into NS in May, but should be quite free after the first 2 months. Do sms me @ 98139345